Selasa, 17 Januari 2012

Tentang Topologi Jaringan

Macam-Macam Topologi Jaringan

Berikut topologi-topologi yang dimaksud macam-macam topologi jaringan :
1. Topologi Bus
2. Topologi Ring (Cincin)
3. Topologi Star (Bintang)
4. Topologi Tree (Pohon)
5. Topologi Mesh (Tak beraturan)
6. Topologi Wireless (Nirkabel)
Topologi Bus
Topologi bus ini sering juga disebut sebagai topologi backbone, dimana ada sebuah kabel coaxial yang dibentang kemudian beberapa komputer dihubungkan pada kabel tersebut.
  • Secara sederhana pada topologi bus, satu kabel media transmisi dibentang dari ujung ke ujung, kemudian kedua ujung ditutup dengan “terminator” atau terminating-resistance (biasanya berupa tahanan listrik sekitar 60 ohm).
macam-macam topologi jaringan
  • Pada titik tertentu diadakan sambungan (tap) untuk setiap terminal.
  • Wujud dari tap ini bisa berupa “kabel transceiver” bila digunakan “thick coax” sebagai media transmisi.
  • Atau berupa “BNC T-connector” bila digunakan “thin coax” sebagai media transmisi.
  • Atau berupa konektor “RJ-45” dan “hub” bila digunakan kabel UTP.
  • Transmisi data dalam kabel bersifat “full duplex”, dan sifatnya “broadcast”, semua terminal bisa menerima transmisi data.
macam-macam topologi jaringan
  • Suatu protokol akan mengatur transmisi dan penerimaan data, yaitu Protokol Ethernet atau CSMA/CD.
  • Pemakaian kabel coax (10Base5 dan 10Base2) telah distandarisasi dalam IEEE 802.3, yaitu sbb:
TABEL: Karakteritik Kabel Coaxial
macam-macam topologi jaringan
  • Melihat bahwa pada setiap segmen (bentang) kabel ada batasnya maka diperlukan “Repeater” untuk menyambungkan segmen-segmen kabel.
macam-macam topologi jaringan
Kelebihan topologi Bus adalah:
  • Instalasi relatif lebih murah
  • Kerusakan satu komputer client tidak akan mempengaruhi komunikasi antar client lainnya
  • Biaya relatif lebih murah
Kelemahan topologi Bus adalah:
  • Jika kabel utama (bus) atau backbone putus maka komunikasi gagal
  • Bila kabel utama sangat panjang maka pencarian gangguan menjadi sulit
  • Kemungkinan akan terjadi tabrakan data(data collision) apabila banyak client yang mengirim pesan dan ini akan menurunkan kecepatan komunikasi.
Topologi Ring (Cincin)
Topologi ring biasa juga disebut sebagai topologi cincin karena bentuknya seperti cincing yang melingkar. Semua komputer dalam jaringan akan di hubungkan pada sebuah cincin. Cincin ini hampir sama fungsinya dengan concenrator  pada topologi star yang menjadi pusat berkumpulnya ujung kabel dari setiap komputer yang terhubung.
  • Secara lebih sederhana lagi topologi cincin merupakan untaian media transmisi dari satu terminal ke terminal lainnya hingga membentuk suatu lingkaran, dimana jalur transmisi hanya “satu arah”.
Tiga fungsi yang diperlukan dalam topologi cincin : penyelipan data, penerimaan data, dan pemindahan data.
macam-macam topologi jaringan
  • Penyelipan data adalah proses dimana data dimasukkan kedalam saluran transmisi oleh terminal pengirim setelah diberi alamat dan bit-bit tambahan lainnya.
  • Penerimaan data adalah proses ketika terminal yang dituju telah mengambil data dari saluran, yaitu dengan cara membandingkan alamat yang ada pada paket data dengan alamat terminal itu sendiri. Apabila alamat tersebut sama maka data kiriman disalin.
  • Pemindahan data adalah proses dimana kiriman data diambil kembali oleh terminal pengirim karena tidak ada terminal yang menerimanya (mungkin akibat salah alamat). Jika data tidak diambil kembali maka data ini akan berputar-putar dalama saluran. Pada jaringan bus hal ini tidak akan terjadi karena kiriman akan diserap oleh “terminator”.
  • Pada hakekatnya setiap terminal dalam jaringan cincin adalah “repeater”, dan mampu melakukan ketiga fungsi dari topologi cincin.
  • Sistem yang mengatur bagaimana komunikasi data berlangsung pada jaringan cincin sering disebut Token-Ring
  • Kemungkinan permasalahan yang bisa timbul dalam jaringan cincin adalah:
  1. Kegagalan satu terminal / repeater akan memutuskan komunikasi ke semua terminal.
  2. Pemasangan terminal baru menyebabkan gangguan terhadap jaringan, terminal baru harus mengenal dan dihubungkan dengan kedua terminal tetangganya.

Macam-Macam Topologi Jaringan

Topologi Star (Bintang)

Disebut topologi star karena bentuknya seperti bintang, sebuah alat yang disebut concentrator bisa berupa hub atau switch menjadi pusat, dimana semua komputer dalam jaringan dihubungkan ke concentrator ini.
  • Pada topologi Bintang (Star) sebuah terminal pusat bertindak sebagai pengatur dan pengendali semua komunikasi yang terjadi. Terminal-terminal lainnya melalukan komunikasi melalui terminal pusat ini.
  • Terminal kontrol pusat bisa berupa sebuah komputer yang difungsikan sebagai pengendali tetapi bisa juga berupa  “HUB” atau “MAU” (Multi Accsess Unit).
  • macam-macam topologi jaringan
  • Terdapat dua alternatif untuk operasi simpul pusat.
    • Simpul pusat beroperasi secara “broadcast” yang menyalurkan data ke seluruh arah. Pada operasi ini walaupun secara fisik kelihatan sebagai bintang namun secara logik sebenarnya beroperasi seperti bus. Alternatif ini menggunakan HUB.
    • Simpul pusat beroperasi sebagai “switch”, data kiriman diterima oleh simpul kemudian dikirim hanya ke terminal tujuan (bersifat point-to-point), akternatif ini menggunakan MAU sebagai pengendali.
  • Bila menggunakan HUB maka secara fisik sebenarnya jaringan berbentuk topologi Bintang namun secara logis bertopologi Bus. Bila menggunakan MAU maka baik fisik maupun logis bertopologi Bintang.
  • Kelebihan topologi bintang :
    • Karena setiap komponen dihubungkan langsung ke simpul pusat maka pengelolaan menjadi mudah, kegagalan komunikasi mudah ditelusuri.
    • Kegagalan pada satu komponen/terminal tidak mempengaruhi komunikasi terminal lain.
  • Kelemahan topologi bintang:
    • Kegagalan pusat kontrol (simpul pusat) memutuskan semua komunikasi
    • Bila yang digunakan sebagai pusat kontrol adalah HUB maka kecepatan akan berkurang sesuai dengan penambahan komputer, semakin banyak semakin lambat.

Macam-Macam Topologi Jaringan

Topologi Tree (Pohon)
  • Topologi pohon adalah pengembangan atau generalisasi topologi bus. Media transmisi merupakan satu kabel yang bercabang namun loop tidak tertutup.
macam-macam topologi jaringan
  • Topologi pohon dimulai dari suatu titik yang disebut “headend”. Dari headend beberapa kabel ditarik menjadi cabang, dan pada setiap cabang terhubung beberapa terminal dalam bentuk bus, atau dicabang lagi hingga menjadi rumit.
  • Ada dua kesulitan pada topologi ini:
    • Karena bercabang maka diperlukan cara untuk menunjukkan kemana data dikirim, atau kepada siapa transmisi data ditujukan.
    • Perlu suatu mekanisme untuk mengatur transmisi dari terminal terminal dalam jaringan.
Topologi Mesh (Tak beraturan)
  • Topologi Mesh adalah topologi yang tidak memiliki aturan dalam koneksi. Topologi ini biasanya timbul akibat tidak adanya perencanaan awal ketika membangun suatu jaringan.
  • Karena tidak teratur maka kegagalan komunikasi menjadi sulit dideteksi, dan ada kemungkinan boros dalam pemakaian media transmisi.
macam-macam topologi jaringan
Topologi Wireless (Nirkabel)
  • Jaringan nirkabel menjadi trend sebagai alternatif dari jaringan kabel, terutama untuk pengembangan LAN tradisional karena bisa mengurangi biaya pemasangan kabel dan mengurangi tugas-tugas relokasi kabel apabila terjadi perubahan dalam arsitektur bangunan dsb. Topologi ini dikenal dengan berbagai nama, misalnya WLAN, WaveLAN, HotSpot, dsb.
  • Model dasar dari LAN nirkabel adalah sbb:
macam-macam topologi jaringan
  • Blok terkecil dari LAN Nirkabel disebut Basic Service Set (BSS), yang terdiri atas sejumlah station / terminal yang menjalankan protokol yang sama dan berlomba dalam hal akses menuju media bersama yang sama.
  • Suatu BSS bisa terhubung langsung atau terpisah dari suatu sistem distribusi backbone melalui titik akses (Access Point).
  • Protokol MAC bisa terdistribusikan secara penuh atau terkontrol melalui suatu fungsi kordinasi sentral yang berada dalam titik akses.
  • Suatu Extended Service Set (ESS) terdiri dari dua atau lebih BSS yang dihubungkan melalui suatu sistem distribusi.
  • Interaksi antara LAN nirkabel dengan jenis LAN lainnya digambarkan sebagai berikut:
macam-macam topologi jaringan
  • Pada suatu jaringan LAN bisa terdapat LAN berkabel backbone, seperti “Ethernet” yang mendukung server, workstation, dan satu atau lebih bridge / router untuk dihubungkan dengan jaringan lain. Selain itu terdapat modul kontrol (CM) yang bertindak sebagai interface untuk jaringan LAN nirkabel. CM meliputi baik fungsi bridge ataupun fungsi router untuk menghubungkan LAN nirkabel dengan jaringan induk.  Selain itu terdapat Hub dan juga modul pemakai (UM) yang mengontrol sejumlah stasiun LAN berkabel.
  • Penggunaan teknologi LAN nirkabel lainnya adalah untuk menghubungkan LAN pada bangunan yang berdekatan.
  • Syarat-syarat LAN nirkabel :
    • Laju penyelesaian: protokol medium access control harus bisa digunakan se-efisien mungkin oleh media nirkabel untuk memaksimalkan kapasitas.
    • Jumlah simpul: LAN nirkabel perlu mendukung ratusan simpul pada sel-sel multipel.
    • Koneksi ke LAN backbone: modul kontrol (CM) harus mampu menghubungkan suatu jaringan LAN ke jaringan LAN lainnya atau suatu jaringan ad-hoc nirkabel.
    • Daerah layanan: daerah jangkauan untuk LAN nirkabel biasanya memiliki diameter 100 hingga 300 meter.
    • Kekokohan dan keamanan transmisi: sistem LAN nirkabel harus handal dan mampu menyediakan sistem pengamanan terutama penyadapan.
  • Teknologi LAN nirkabel:
    • LAN infrared (IR) : terbatas dalam sebuah ruangan karena IR tidak mampu menembus dinding yang tidak tembus cahaya.
    • LAN gelombang radio : terbatas dalam sebuah kompleks gedung, seperti bluetooth, WiFi, dan HomeRF.
    • LAN spektrum penyebaran: beroperasi pada band-band ISM (industrial, scientific, medical) yang tidak memerlukan lisensi.
    • Gelombang mikro narrowband : beroperasi pada frekuensi gelombang mikro yang tidak termasuk dalam spektrum penyebaran.

Minggu, 15 Januari 2012

Settingan Opera Mini Handler Gratis All Operator Januari 2012


Jalur Akses : standar

HTTP Server :

Socket Server : socket://

Remove Port : ya

Proxy Type : HTTP

Proxy Server :

Settingan opmin untuk THREE diatas sudah saya coba di pulsa minim


Jalur Akses : standar

HTTP Server :

Socket Server : socket://

Remove Port : ya

Proxy Type : Host

Proxy Server :

Settingan opmin untuk XL diatas sudah saya coba dan hasilnya Full Gretonk


Jalur Akses :

APN = telkomsel

Proxy =

Port = 80

HTTP Server :

Socket Server : socket://

Remove Port : ya

Proxy Type : HTTP Proxy Server :

Settingan opmin untuk TELKOMSEL diatas sudah saya coba di SC Masa Tenggang


Jalur Akses :

APN = indosatgprs

Proxy =

Port = 80

HTTP Server :

Socket Server : socket://

Remove Port : ya

Proxy Type : HTTP

Proxy Server :


Jalur Akses :

APN = axismms

Proxy = /

Port = 80

HTTP Server : http://

Socket Server : socket:// Remove Port : no

Proxy Type : HTTP

Proxy Server :

NB :

- Untuk Nokia S40 buat file prov terlebih dahulu Trik Internet Gratis Lewat Browser Handphone



Proxy : /

Port : 80

Masuk ke terlebih dahulu, setelah itu anda masukan situs tujuan didalam kolom lalu klik go



APN : telkomsel

Proxy : / /

Port : 9201

Akhir akhir ini trik telkomsel di atas ini memang hanya bisa digunakan di jam jam tertentu


APN : telkomsel

Proxy :

Port : 80

Ketika ingin browsing dan download silakan masukan URL ini didepan situs tujuan



APN : telkomsel

Proxy :

Port : 80

masuk ke terlebih dahulu, setelah itu anda masukan situs tujuan didalam kolom lalu

klik go


APN : telkomsel

Proxy :

Port : 80

cuma bisa di gunakan untuk berselancar di Facebook


APN : 3gprs

Proxy :

Port : 80

Masuk ke terlebih dahulu, setelah itu anda masukan situs tujuan didalam kolom lalu klik go


APN : indosatgprs

Proxy : /

Port : 80

Masuk ke terlebih dahulu, setelah itu anda masukan situs tujuan didalam kolom lalu klik go


APN : axismms

Proxy :

Port : 80

hompage :

Bisa langsung di pakai di browser bawaan hp atau di mozilla dan browser PC lainnya NB :

- Trik BH ini juga bisa di gunakan di PC

- Trik BH untuk TELKOMSEL, XL, dan THREE sudah saya coba dan berhasil

Emoticon Lucu Di FB 2012

Emotion Lucu

[[334954663181745]] - Spongebob

[[332936966718584]] - Hello Kitty

[[326134990738733]] - Pikachu

[[297354436976262]] - Santa Claus

[[269153023141273]] - Poring

[[252497564817075]] - Kerokeroppi

[[250128751720149]] - Domo Kun

[[249199828481201]] - Konata Izumi

[[236147243124900]] - Pokeball

[[224502284290679]] - Nobita

[[223328504409723]] - Gintoki Sakata

[[196431117116365]] - Shin chan

[[157680577671754]] - Angry Bird

[[155393057897143]] - Doraemon

[[144685078974802]] - Mojacko

[[138529122927104]] - Pedo Bear

Emotion Text Facebook:
[[196920740401785]] - A

[[113544575430999]] - B

[[294715893904555]] - C

[[294660140569858]] - D

[[328415510520892]] - E

[[270221906368791]] - F

[[212614922155016]] - G

[[205633882856736]] - H

[[256255337773105]] - I

[[288138264570038]] - J

[[296999947008863]] - K

[[216672855078917]] - L

[[278786215503631]] - M

[[241341589270741]] - N

[[312524205448755]] - O

[[200138403410055]] - P

[[165410113558613]] - Q

[[203403609746433]] - R

[[334427926570136]] - S

[[250632158335643]] - T

[[285985351447161]] - U

[[343627398996642]] - V

[[315740851791114]] - W

[[136342506479536]] - X

[[224173507657194]] - Y

[[317710424919150]] - Z

Jumat, 13 Januari 2012

Langkah Demi Langkah Merakit Komputer …

Posted by kang deden pada 13 Juli, 2007
Add Komunitas Mydeden.Kom On Facebook  at :
Berikut ini akan dibahas mengenai bagaimana cara merakit komputer, terutama bagi mereka yang baru belajar .. dari beberapa referensi yang saya pelajari .. maka berikut ini akan dijelaskan langkah demi langkah cara merakit komputer, mudah-mudahan bermanfaat .. Red. deden
Komponen perakit komputer tersedia di pasaran dengan beragam pilihan kualitas dan harga. Dengan merakit sendiri komputer, kita dapat menentukan jenis komponen, kemampuan serta fasilitas dari komputer sesuai kebutuhan.Tahapan dalam perakitan komputer terdiri dari:
A. Persiapan
B. Perakitan

C. Pengujian
D. Penanganan Masalah


Persiapan yang baik akan memudahkan dalam perakitan komputer serta menghindari permasalahan yang mungkin timbul.Hal yang terkait dalam persiapan meliputi:
  1. Penentuan Konfigurasi Komputer
  2. Persiapan Kompunen dan perlengkapan
  3. Pengamanan
Penentuan Konfigurasi Komputer
Konfigurasi komputer berkait dengan penentuan jenis komponen dan fitur dari komputer serta bagaimana seluruh komponen dapat bekerja sebagai sebuah sistem komputer sesuai keinginan kita.Penentuan komponen dimulai dari jenis prosessor, motherboard, lalu komponen lainnya. Faktor kesesuaian atau kompatibilitas dari komponen terhadap motherboard harus diperhatikan, karena setiap jenis motherboard mendukung jenis prosessor, modul memori, port dan I/O bus yang berbeda-beda.
Persiapan Komponen dan Perlengkapan
Komponen komputer beserta perlengkapan untuk perakitan dipersiapkan untuk perakitan dipersiapkan lebih dulu untuk memudahkan perakitan. Perlengkapan yang disiapkan terdiri dari:
  • Komponen komputer
  • Kelengkapan komponen seperti kabel, sekerup, jumper, baut dan sebagainya
  • Buku manual dan referensi dari komponen
  • Alat bantu berupa obeng pipih dan philips
Software sistem operasi, device driver dan program aplikasi.


Buku manual diperlukan sebagai rujukan untuk mengatahui diagram posisi dari elemen koneksi (konektor, port dan slot) dan elemen konfigurasi (jumper dan switch) beserta cara setting jumper dan switch yang sesuai untuk komputer yang dirakit.Diskette atau CD Software diperlukan untuk menginstall Sistem Operasi, device driver dari piranti, dan program aplikasi pada komputer yang selesai dirakit.
Tindakan pengamanan diperlukan untuk menghindari masalah seperti kerusakan komponen oleh muatan listrik statis, jatuh, panas berlebihan atau tumpahan cairan.Pencegahan kerusakan karena listrik statis dengan cara:

  • Menggunakan gelang anti statis atau menyentuh permukaan logam pada casing sebelum memegang komponen untuk membuang muatan statis.
  • Tidak menyentuh langsung komponen elektronik, konektor atau jalur rangkaian tetapi memegang pada badan logam atau plastik yang terdapat pada komponen.


Tahapan proses pada perakitan komputer terdiri dari:
  1. Penyiapan motherboard
  2. Memasang Prosessor
  3. Memasang heatsink
  4. Memasang Modul Memori
  5. memasang Motherboard pada Casing
  6. Memasang Power Supply
  7. Memasang Kabel Motherboard dan Casing
  8. Memasang Drive
  9. Memasang card Adapter
  10. Penyelesaian Akhir
 1. Penyiapan motherboard
Periksa buku manual motherboard untuk mengetahui posisi jumper untuk pengaturan CPU speed, speed multiplier dan tegangan masukan ke motherboard. Atur seting jumper sesuai petunjuk, kesalahan mengatur jumper tegangan dapat merusak prosessor.

2. Memasang Prosessor
Prosessor lebih mudah dipasang sebelum motherboard menempati casing. Cara memasang prosessor jenis socket dan slot berbeda.Jenis socket
  1. Tentukan posisi pin 1 pada prosessor dan socket prosessor di motherboard, umumnya terletak di pojok yang ditandai dengan titik, segitiga atau lekukan.
  2. Tegakkan posisi tuas pengunci socket untuk membuka.
  3. Masukkan prosessor ke socket dengan lebih dulu menyelaraskan posisi kaki-kaki prosessor dengan lubang socket. rapatkan hingga tidak terdapat celah antara prosessor dengan socket.
  4. Turunkan kembali tuas pengunci.

Jenis Slot
  1. Pasang penyangga (bracket) pada dua ujung slot di motherboard sehingga posisi lubang pasak bertemu dengan lubang di motherboard
  2. Masukkan pasak kemudian pengunci pasak pada lubang pasak
Selipkan card prosessor di antara kedua penahan dan tekan hingga tepat masuk ke lubang slot.


3. Memasang Heatsink
Fungsi heatsink adalah membuang panas yang dihasilkan oleh prosessor lewat konduksi panas dari prosessor ke heatsink.Untuk mengoptimalkan pemindahan panas maka heatsink harus dipasang rapat pada bagian atas prosessor dengan beberapa clip sebagai penahan sedangkan permukaan kontak pada heatsink dilapisi gen penghantar panas.Bila heatsink dilengkapi dengan fan maka konektor power pada fan dihubungkan ke konektor fan pada motherboard. 
4. Memasang Modul Memori
Modul memori umumnya dipasang berurutan dari nomor socket terkecil. Urutan pemasangan dapat dilihat dari diagram motherboard.Setiap jenis modul memori yakni SIMM, DIMM dan RIMM dapat dibedakan dengan posisi lekukan pada sisi dan bawah pada modul.Cara memasang untuk tiap jenis modul memori sebagai berikut.
Jenis SIMM
  1. Sesuaikan posisi lekukan pada modul dengan tonjolan pada slot.
  2. Masukkan modul dengan membuat sudut miring 45 derajat terhadap slot
  3. Dorong hingga modul tegak pada slot, tuas pengunci pada slot akan otomatis mengunci modul.

Jenis DIMM dan RIMM
Cara memasang modul DIMM dan RIMM sama dan hanya ada satu cara sehingga tidak akan terbalik karena ada dua lekukan sebagai panduan. Perbedaanya DIMM dan RIMM pada posisi lekukan
  1. Rebahkan kait pengunci pada ujung slot
  2. sesuaikan posisi lekukan pada konektor modul dengan tonjolan pada slot. lalu masukkan modul ke slot.
  3. Kait pengunci secara otomatis mengunci modul pada slot bila modul sudah tepat terpasang.

  5. Memasang Motherboard pada Casing
Motherboard dipasang ke casing dengan sekerup dan dudukan (standoff). Cara pemasangannya sebagai berikut:
  1. Tentukan posisi lubang untuk setiap dudukan plastik dan logam. Lubang untuk dudukan logam (metal spacer) ditandai dengan cincin pada tepi lubang.
  2. Pasang dudukan logam atau plastik pada tray casing sesuai dengan posisi setiap lubang dudukan yang sesuai pada motherboard.
  3. Tempatkan motherboard pada tray casing sehinga kepala dudukan keluar dari lubang pada motherboard. Pasang sekerup pengunci pada setiap dudukan logam.
  4. Pasang bingkai port I/O (I/O sheild) pada motherboard jika ada.
  5. Pasang tray casing yang sudah terpasang motherboard pada casing dan kunci dengan sekerup.

  6. Memasang Power Supply
Beberapa jenis casing sudah dilengkapi power supply. Bila power supply belum disertakan maka cara pemasangannya sebagai berikut:
  1. Masukkan power supply pada rak di bagian belakang casing. Pasang ke empat buah sekerup pengunci.
  2. HUbungkan konektor power dari power supply ke motherboard. Konektor power jenis ATX hanya memiliki satu cara pemasangan sehingga tidak akan terbalik. Untuk jenis non ATX dengan dua konektor yang terpisah maka kabel-kabel ground warna hitam harus ditempatkan bersisian dan dipasang pada bagian tengah dari konektor power motherboard. Hubungkan kabel daya untuk fan, jika memakai fan untuk pendingin CPU.


7. Memasang Kabel Motherboard dan Casing
Setelah motherboard terpasang di casing langkah selanjutnya adalah memasang kabel I/O pada motherboard dan panel dengan casing.
  1. Pasang kabel data untuk floppy drive pada konektor pengontrol floppy di motherboard
  2. Pasang kabel IDE untuk pada konektor IDE primary dan secondary pada motherboard.
  3. Untuk motherboard non ATX. Pasang kabel port serial dan pararel pada konektor di motherboard. Perhatikan posisi pin 1 untuk memasang.
  4. Pada bagian belakang casing terdapat lubang untuk memasang port tambahan jenis non slot. Buka sekerup pengunci pelat tertutup lubang port lalumasukkan port konektor yang ingin dipasang dan pasang sekerup kembali.
  5. Bila port mouse belum tersedia di belakang casing maka card konektor mouse harus dipasang lalu dihubungkan dengan konektor mouse pada motherboard.
  6. Hubungan kabel konektor dari switch di panel depan casing, LED, speaker internal dan port yang terpasang di depan casing bila ada ke motherboard. Periksa diagram motherboard untuk mencari lokasi konektor yang tepat.


8. Memasang Drive
Prosedur memasang drive hardisk, floppy, CD ROM, CD-RW atau DVD adalah sama sebagai berikut:
  1. Copot pelet penutup bay drive (ruang untuk drive pada casing)
  2. Masukkan drive dari depan bay dengan terlebih dahulu mengatur seting jumper (sebagai master atau slave) pada drive.
  3. Sesuaikan posisi lubang sekerup di drive dan casing lalu pasang sekerup penahan drive.
  4. Hubungkan konektor kabel IDE ke drive dan konektor di motherboard (konektor primary dipakai lebih dulu)
  5. Ulangi langkah 1 samapai 4 untuk setiap pemasangan drive.
  6. Bila kabel IDE terhubung ke du drive pastikan perbedaan seting jumper keduanya yakni drive pertama diset sebagai master dan lainnya sebagai slave.
  7. Konektor IDE secondary pada motherboard dapat dipakai untuk menghubungkan dua drive tambahan.
  8. Floppy drive dihubungkan ke konektor khusus floppy di motherboard
Sambungkan kabel power dari catu daya ke masing-masing drive.

9. Memasang Card Adapter
Card adapter yang umum dipasang adalah video card, sound, network, modem dan SCSI adapter. Video card umumnya harus dipasang dan diinstall sebelum card adapter lainnya.Cara memasang adapter:
  1. Pegang card adapter pada tepi, hindari menyentuh komponen atau rangkaian elektronik. Tekan card hingga konektor tepat masuk pada slot ekspansi di motherboard
  2. Pasang sekerup penahan card ke casing
  3. Hubungkan kembali kabel internal pada card, bila ada.


10. Penyelessaian Akhir
  1. Pasang penutup casing dengan menggeser
  2. sambungkan kabel dari catu daya ke soket dinding.
  3. Pasang konektor monitor ke port video card.
  4. Pasang konektor kabel telepon ke port modem bila ada.
  5. Hubungkan konektor kabel keyboard dan konektor mouse ke port mouse atau poert serial (tergantung jenis mouse).
  6. Hubungkan piranti eksternal lainnya seperti speaker, joystick, dan microphone bila ada ke port yang sesuai. Periksa manual dari card adapter untuk memastikan lokasi port.

Komputer yang baru selesai dirakit dapat diuji dengan menjalankan program setup BIOS. Cara melakukan pengujian dengan program BIOS sebagai berikut:
  1. Hidupkan monitor lalu unit sistem. Perhatikan tampilan monitor dan suara dari speaker.
  2. Program FOST dari BIOS secara otomatis akan mendeteksi hardware yang terpasang dikomputer. Bila terdapat kesalahan maka tampilan monitor kosong dan speaker mengeluarkan bunyi beep secara teratur sebagai kode indikasi kesalahan. Periksa referensi kode BIOS untuk mengetahui indikasi kesalahan yang dimaksud oleh kode beep.
  3. Jika tidak terjadi kesalahan maka monitor menampilkan proses eksekusi dari program POST. ekan tombol interupsi BIOS sesuai petunjuk di layar untuk masuk ke program setup BIOS.
  4. Periksa semua hasil deteksi hardware oleh program setup BIOS. Beberapa seting mungkin harus dirubah nilainya terutama kapasitas hardisk dan boot sequence.
  5. Simpan perubahan seting dan keluar dari setup BIOS.
Setelah keluar dari setup BIOS, komputer akan meload Sistem OPerasi dengan urutan pencarian sesuai seting boot sequence pada BIOS. Masukkan diskette atau CD Bootable yang berisi sistem operasi pada drive pencarian.
Penanganan Masalah
Permasalahan yang umum terjadi dalam perakitan komputer dan penanganannya antara lain:
  1. Komputer atau monitor tidak menyala, kemungkinan disebabkan oleh switch atau kabel daya belum terhubung.
  2. Card adapter yang tidak terdeteksi disebabkan oleh pemasangan card belum pas ke slot/

Kamis, 12 Januari 2012

Walktrough Zelda The Minish Cap GBA

                             ___      _       _  _  _       _     _   _        
     iuifgidhgiunivnofvonfgo  |  |_| |_   |  |_ /  |_ |\ | | \   / \ |_        
    scsdfdnfvjknkdfnkgugthh   |  | | |_   |_ |_ \_||_ | \| |_/   \_/ |         
   xcdfr          fdggruthdgfhjbjvjxcn srtrtew   sdhfjdlfc      hvbngng        
  dfgrt          dfgthhgh  vcvvdsdfrtg  dsjet     fkdkfhere      ggtyu         
 vcv            sdfsdfsdf   erdc    cv  sdfhj      sevt  dfde     fgbgn        
               sfsrrtrtr    dfae     f  efvbg      wcrd   wert   fwhghnm       
              xvxvrtehg     rett     i  qfert      fdgh    dfs   getythj       
             vojojhiuf      dfhf   d    sfrth      rter    wert  sd dbgft      
            fkjkjfiry       tgmvhjfg    dfngm      gbth    sdfj dgf  rgfd      
           kiirnxcvr        dfsertyw    weite      wcdf    wdfr frf  dgbv      
          poopuifut         sfda   w i  efdsf      rety    cvbt egfbfghjry     
         dfvvghtt           rtey     f  igkds   i  vbmj    xcv oggrghgfbgv     
        suiovuck            djhf    df  sftrw   e  jkki   fdrt ey     vbght    
       xbcufydr             sdfr   aaf  wdfrt  fd  yuti  sdfd dth      fdgd    
      dfsfvhmb             rsjhgsdhgcv  dsfirutio  dfrttfdet ghjg     dfhghg   
     opuigudj            defgdsghsdgfusvibaibaosg udsgfuas uasfrtyg  yukifljkj 
    sdftrthf           dfxc
     _______ _            __  __ _       _     _        _____            
    |__   __| |          |  \/  (_)     (_)   | |      / ____|           
       | |  | |__   ___  | \  / |_ _ __  _ ___| |__   | |     __ _ _ __  
       | |  | '_ \ / _ \ | |\/| | | '_ \| / __| '_ \  | |    / _` | '_ \ 
       | |  | | | |  __/ | |  | | | | | | \__ \ | | | | |___| (_| | |_) |
       |_|  |_| |_|\___| |_|  |_|_|_| |_|_|___/_| |_|  \_____\__,_| .__/
                                                                  | |
|                   Author: A I e x                                          |
|                   Completed: August 14th, 2005                             |
|                   Email: Legal & Copyright Section                         |
I encourage everyone to follow the walkthrough as much as possible, the lists 
at the end are great, but you will probably find it a lot easier to collect 
everything if you're following along with the guide.  I cannot strees the 
importance enough of using the Heart Piece checklist at the bottom of the 
guide every time you get one, by the end of the game you can be sure you 
collected them all but find yourself missing one and having no idea which.  If 
you've been checking them off as you go, you'll know exactly where to look.
| || CT.TS ||                  Table of Contents                 || CT.TS || |
|               - Table of Contents.....................CT.TS                |
|               - Controls..............................CN.RL                |
|               - Walkthrough...........................01.00                |
|                    - Prologue.........................01.01                |
|                    - Deepwood Shrine..................01.02                |
|                    - Back to Hyrule Town..............01.03                |
|                    - Mt. Crenel.......................01.04                |
|                    - Cave of Flames...................01.05                |
|                    - Elemental Sanctuary..............01.06                |
|                    - Optional Stuff...................01.07                |
|                    - Castor Wilds.....................01.08                |
|                    - Wind Ruins.......................01.09                |
|                    - Fortress of Winds................01.10                |
|                    - Many Optional Fusions............01.11                |
|                    - The Library......................01.12                |
|                    - Optional Exploration Adventure...01.13                |
|                    - Temple of Droplets...............01.14                |
|                    - Elemental Sanctuary..............01.15                |
|                    - Royal Valley.....................01.16                |
|                    - Royal Crypt......................01.17                |
|                    - Veil Falls.......................01.18                |
|                    - Cloud Tops.......................01.19                |
|                    - Palace of Winds..................01.20                |
|                    - Elemental Sanctuary..............01.21                |
|                    - Dark Hyrule Castle...............01.22                |
|                    - Optional Aside...................01.23                |
|                    - Dark Hyrule Castle...............01.24                |
|               - Fusion List...........................02.00                |
|                    - Hyrule Town......................02.01                |
|                    - South Hyrule Field...............02.02                |
|                    - Lon Lon Ranch....................02.03                |
|                    - Minish Woods.....................02.04                |
|                    - Trilby Highlands.................02.05                |
|                    - Western Wood.....................02.06                |
|                    - Eastern Hills....................02.07                |
|                    - North Hyrule Field...............02.08                |
|                    - Hyrule Castle Garden.............02.09                |
|                    - Mt. Crenel.......................02.10                |
|                    - Melari's Mines...................02.11                |
|                    - Castor Wilds.....................02.12                |
|                    - Western Wood.....................02.13                |
|                    - Lake Hylia.......................02.14                |
|                    - Royal Valley.....................02.15                |
|                    - Veil Falls.......................02.16                |
|                    - Cloud Tops.......................02.17                |
|               - Game Checklists.......................03.00                |
|                    - Prologue.........................03.01                |
|                    - Deepwood Shrine..................03.02                |
|                    - Back to Hyrule Town..............03.03                |
|                    - Mt. Crenel.......................03.04                |
|                    - Cave of Flames...................03.05                |
|                    - Elemental Sanctuary..............03.06                |
|                    - Optional Stuff...................03.07                |
|                    - Castor Wilds.....................03.08                |
|                    - Wind Ruins.......................03.09                |
|                    - Fortress of Winds................03.10                |
|                    - Many Optional Fusions............03.11                |
|                    - The Library......................03.12                |
|                    - Optional Exploration Adventure...03.13                |
|                    - Temple of Droplets...............03.14                |
|                    - Elemental Sanctuary..............03.15                |
|                    - Royal Valley.....................03.16                |
|                    - Royal Crypt......................03.17                |
|                    - Veil Falls.......................03.18                |
|                    - Cloud Tops.......................03.19                |
|                    - Palace of Winds..................03.20                |
|                    - Elemental Sanctuary..............03.21                |
|                    - Dark Hyrule Castle...............03.22                |
|                    - Optional Aside...................03.23                |
|                    - Dark Hyrule Castle...............03.24                |
|               - Boss Guide............................04.00                |
|                    - Deepwood Shrine Boss.............04.01                |
|                    - Cavern of Flames Boss............04.02                |
|                    - Fortress of Winds Boss...........04.03                |
|                    - Temple of Drolets Boss...........04.04                |
|                    - Palace of Winds Boss.............04.05                |
|                    - Final Boss [First Form]..........04.06                |
|                    - Final Boss [Second Form].........04.07                |
|                    - Final Boss [Third Form]..........04.08                |
|               - Item List.............................05.00                |
|               - Technique List........................06.00                |
|               - Heart Piece List......................07.00                |
|               - Legal & Copyright.....................LE.AL                |
|               - Credits & Thanks......................CR.DS                |
| || 01.00 ||                     Walkthrough                    || 01.00 || |
For an introduction to the game, please see the review section at the bottom.

+--------------------------------- CONTROLS ------------------------ CN.RL --+

| D-Pad        | Move around and navigate menu                               |
| A Button     | Use A Button item & confirm                                 |
| B Button     | Use B Button item & cancel                                  |
| Start        | Open menu                                                   |
| Select       | Talk to your hat                                            |
| R Button     | Roll & Grab                                                 |
| L Button     | Fuse Kinstones                                              |

       (, /   )
        _/__ /
     ) /
+-- (_/ ROLOGUE ---------------------------------------------------- 01.01 --+

The game opens up and our favourite princess, Princess Zelda is approaching 
Link's home.  She is here because of the Picori Festival which has the whole 
town bustling with excitement.  Zelda would he honoured to take Link to the 
festival with her, and since his grandfather has an errand for him to run at 
the castle anyway, it seems like the perfect idea.  When you wake up, go 
downstairs and then go right into the room with Zelda and Link's grandfather.  
He wants you to drop off the sword to the minister at Hyrule Castle, he then 
gives Link the SMITH'S SWORD.  Examine the chest above you to acquire 20 
RUPEES.  Leave the house and follow the excited princess up to the town.  She 
runs from vendor to vendor, so follow he along and speak to her at each step 
of the way.  At the final vendor, Zelda chooses the small shield as her prize 
and gives Link the SMALL SHIELD as a present, how very nice of her!  Now 
whenever you want you can hold the A button and defend yourself from various 
attacks.  Take the princess and head up to the next screen.

There is a Deku Scrub blocking the path and firing small nuts in your 
direction.  Pull out that trusty shield of yours and use it to deflect his 
attack back at him.  The scrub explains in his dizzyness that he was only 
trying to setup shops, Deku Scrubs have a tendency to fire nuts out of their 
mouths when they speak.  Keep going up to reach the castle courtyard where you 
will find the minister.  It seems they are just in time, the award ceremony is 
about to begin.  The legend states that long ago, the people of Hyrule were 
given the Picori Blade by the Picori, which serves to keep evil sealed inside 
the chest.  The winner of the festival competition earns the honour of 
touching the blade.  The winner of the competition this year is a man named 
Vaati.  But something is wrong, Vaati knows the chest holds something which he 
seeks and braks it open only to release countless monsters on the land.  
Noting that Princess Zelda has the aura of the royal family, he uses a magic 
curse to turn her to stone before looking in the chest, only to find it does 
not contain what he seeks.  Unphased, the evil Vaati escapes.

When you wake up in the morning, press the A button to get out of bed and 
enter the king's throne room.  The king says that if they had the sacred 
Picori Blade they could break the curse, but Vaati has shattered it.  All that 
is known about the legendary Picori is that they live in the Minish Woods, 
they are very tiny and they only present themselves to children.  Being the 
only available child, Link is given the mission of repairing the Picori Blade.  
The king gives you the BROKEN PICORI BLADE, the SMITH'S SWORD again and a MAP 
OF HYRULE.  The destination is the Deepwood Shrine, a place where both humans 
and Picori used to meet.  The time has come to leave the castle and begin your 
advanture.  Outside the castle enemies have appeared, fortunately you are 
equipped with both a sword and a shield.  Press the B button to attack enemies 
and the A button to defend.  Make your way south until you come across a 
number of construction workers, working on the path.  At this point you have 
no choice but to go right, the tree stumps blocking the path east are easily 
taken out with a quick sword slash.  This leads to the Lon Lon Ranch.  In 
this area be careful of those mole enemies, if they pop out of the ground you 
have to kill them quickly or they'll jump up in large groups and be more 
dangerous.  Run down to reach the Eastern Hills, at the bottom of this area on 
the right there is a bridge which will lead you into the Minish Woods.

Make your way east until you reach a fork.  At this point head all the way 
down, past the log with a crack in it to reach another fork.  Go up at this 
point, there is a quick scene where you see some little creature being 
attacked by monsters.  This is back at the first fork in the forest.  Before 
returning there however, be sure to grab the PIECE OF HEART on the left.  
Backtrack to where the little green thing is being attacked and use your 
powerful sword slash to eliminate the two enemies attacking it.  It seems this 
weird little creature has a lot in common with you, he too is on a quest to 
break one of Vaati's curses.  Might as well take him along, but wait, he is 
far too slow to keep up with you.  Keep trying to go down and a solution will 
be found, this little creature decides to make the top of your head its new 
home!  Make your way down from here, the tree stump with the crack has more to 
it than meets the eye.  With the power of Minish magic you can use it to 
shrink down to a very small size!  Jump on the stump and press the R button to 
shrink, but be careful, mere puddles become lakes at this size.  Head left and 
go through the log to reach a pond with lilly pads moving around in it.  Step 
on one of the lilly pads and ride it across to the other side.  Run through 
this area up to the North to reach the very tiny Minish Village.

None of the villagers are speaking your language!  However will you 
communicate with them, perhaps there is someone here (besides your hat) who 
understands you.  Go right and then up at the first fork, follow this path all 
the way to the top where you will come across a large house.  Before going 
inside, note the bidge going up on the right side of this house, partially 
hidden by leaves.  Follow this bridge to acquire another PIECE OF HEART.  Go 
back and enter the large house beside this bridge.  A man inside named Festari 
is able to speak your language quite well, though it has been a long time 
since any human visited.  Listen to what he says about the Jabber Nut, leave 
his house and go right, then down until you reach a bridge leading east.  
Climb down the ladder and push the box either left or right, the JABBER NUT is 
on the table at the top of the house.  Return to the front of Festari's house 
and go west to reach the Elder's house.  The Elder explains that in order to 
forge the blade you will need four crystalline elements, it's time to collect 
them all.  The first is north of Festari's so go back to him again.  He'll let 
you through the top of his house, go straight up to reach the Deepwood Shrine.

      (, /    )
        /    /
      _/___ /_
+-- (_/___ /   EEPWOOD SHRINE -------------------------------------- 01.02 --+

Run up to the top of this room and push the statue to the left.  In the next 
room which is darkened, defeat the four enemies.  Now note there is a locked 
door at the top of the room.  Steap on the buttons beside each of the four 
torches to light them and a chest appaears.  The chest contains SMALL KEY.  To 
unlock the door, move up to it and press A.  Continue up to the room after 
this where you will encounter some more slugs.  Note the lever on the north 
wall, stand in front of it and hold the R button to grab, then press down to 
pull, this will create a bridge.  Grab the mushroom across the bridge and pull 
yourself all the way to the right, when you let go of the right button it will 
launch you across the water.  Continue up into the next room.  On the right 
side of this area, up the stairs, there is a button in the floor.  After 
standing on it go into the barrel and out the door on the other side.  Go left 
a bit, then down and up the stairs on this side.  There are two buttons here 
so push the statue onto one of them and stand on the other one.  Enter the 
barrel once again, this time you are able to spin it!  Start running up and 
spinning the barrel until the opening on the upper left side moves down to the 
lower left side, now exit.  Follow the path through the door on the left.

Move to the left wall and head up to reach a mushroom.  Grab it and launch 
yourself over the water like you did the first time.  Break the pots and then 
go up the stairs on your right, open the large blue chest here to receive 
DUNGEON MAP.  Jump off the bottom part of this elevated walkway, and pull the 
mushroom back only halfway this time.  When you launch you'll stop at the door 
on your left, go through it.  Eliminate the enemies in this room and then 
you'll ntoice you need something to hold down the button.  Since therea re no 
statues handy at this time, use the pot on the elft side and push it over to 
the right, once it's set in place a bridge will appear.  Cross the bridge to 
reach the room below, there are two statues in here.  When both buttons are 
pressed simultaneously a treasure chest appears.  Also listen to your cap when 
it says you can grab objects with R and pull them as well as pushing them.  
The solution is to push the statue on the right, onto the button.  Grab the 
statue on the left and pull it back, step on the button yourself then grab the 
statue from this side and pull it onto the button.  Now you'll be inside and 
both statues are on the buttons, so open the chest to get SMALL KEY and push 
one of them out of the way.  Now you need to return to that large barrel.

Roll it around until the hole on the right side is at the upper right corner 
and exit there.  Use the Small Key on the door on the right and pull the 
mushroom in there up to the end of the steak on the floor to reach the 
platform safely.  Before grabbing the mushroom on your left, step on the 
button to create the bridge, then pull that mushroom up as far as you can and 
launch to the bottom.  Head through the door on the right.  Here's what you 
need to do in this room, first of all kill all the enemies, that's a good way 
to go.  Head around to the right side and step on the button.  Grab the statue 
beside it and pull the statue to the right, not onto the button, but one panel 
to the right so the door is still closed.  Now head arounf to the left side 
and push the other statue to the right, onto the button.  Now you are free to 
go through the door.  Defeat all the enemies here, each of them takes three 
hits from your sword.  Once they are dead a SMALL KEY appears and the door on 
the left side opens.  Climb the stairs at the top of this room and drop down 
to the right.  Go through the door on the left and step on the button here to 
open up the south door.  Instead of going through the south door, head to the 
left side (the upper door) and use the Small Key to open it up.

The first boss, or miniboss, is in this room.  Here's how to defeat him: you 
need to use your sword and slash his face.  At this point his tail end becomes 
the target, get there and slash it as many times as possible.  After this the 
boss goes crazy and runs around really fast for a few seconds, just avoid it 
at this point.  Be careful on the edges as well, those webs can bounce you 
around a fair bit and perhaps even knock you into the boss.  After you've 
slashed his ass enough times the boss is defeated and a treasure chest 
appears.  Open it up to get the GUST JAR.  Set the Gust Jar over your shield 
on the A button and use it to suck up those damn webs on the doors.  Go 
through the lower door to find a PIECE OF HEART.  Return to the previous room 
and go back to the right.  In this room use your Gust Jar to suck up all the 
crap on the floors and reveal three more switches.  Step on all of them to 
reveal some weird blue portal, and two chests containing 10 MYSTERIOUS SHELLS 
and another 10 MYSTERIOUS SHELLS.  Enter the room on the right and suck up all 
the stuff off the floor to reveal the chest with 20 MYSTERIOUS SHELLS.  

Back once again to the previous room, now head through the southern door.  
Push the block on your left and use the Gust Jar to suck up the stuff on the 
floor and reveal a button, which when stepped on, nets you another 20 
MYSTERIOUS SHELLS.  Enter the barrel and move it so the spider web appears in 
the bottom middle.  Use the Gust Jat to eliminate it and then drop down that 
hole.  Use the Gust Jat once again to lure the lilly pad toward you.  Tap the 
A button, or whatever button you have the Gust Jar set to, and you'll be 
pushed in the opposite direction you're facing.  Drop down the waterfall and 
head right to reach a fork, go right at the fork.  Climb the stairs above you 
and break all the pots except one, use that to push onto the button and lower 
the gate.  On the next screen up you'll notice two blocks in the way of a 
large chest.  Push the one on the right up, and the one on the left, left.  
Open the chest to acquire a COMPASS.  Push one of the pots on the left side 
onto the button, and then cross the lilly pad down to reach the chest 
containing SMALL KEY.  Step back onto the lilly pad and ride it back to the 
fork, head up this time and follow the water to a locked door.  Use the Small 
Key you just found on this door to get through it and reach the next room.

Grab hold of the mushroom here then pull it back and launch yourself.  Stand 
on the very edge and use the Gust Jar to suck the mushroom on the right, 
toward you, and it will flip you across.  Same deal with the other mushroom on 
the right.  Go down and suck the mushroom on the left toward you, to flip 
across and open the big chest containing BIG KEY.  Step on the button and a 
portal appears.  Step on the portal to warp to the entrance.  There should be 
a blue portal beside you, step on that to reach your fourth PIECE OF HEART.  
You should now have four hearts, joy!  When you return, note there are webs on 
the left and right.  Suck up the one on the left first and go upstairs.  Push 
the block in front of the chest to the right and open it to get 20 RUPEES.  
Return to the entrance and go through the door on the right this time.  Suck 
the mushroom across to launch yourself left, then suck it down to launch 
yourself up.  Use the Big Key on the door to reach the shrine's boss.  

The boss is actually just a normal enemy, but unfortunately link is not of 
normal size!  The boss basically blobs around most of the time, but he does 
have one attack, he'll jump into the air and try to land on your so be ready 
to roll out of the way at any time with the R button.  Here's how to defeat 
him, you need to equip the Gust Jar and use it on him, this sucks away his 
support (it's not really a leg or anything of the sort) and makes him wobble 
and tip.  Stay out of the way at this point so he doesn't fall on you.  When 
he does fall, run up and begin slashing like crazy with your sword.  After he 
gets up then simply repeat the process two more times to defeat the boss.  
After the second round os slashing he jumps all over the place constantly for 
awhile.  I'm not sure if he just stops this or whether you have to use the 
Gust Jar to hold him down, either way just keep attacking.  After defeating 
the boss you acquire the EARTH ELEMENT as well as a HEART CONTAINER which does 
away with the need for four of them and immeidately gives you a boost to your 
health.  Step on the green teleport to exit the Deepwood Shrine.

      (, /    )
     ) / ____)
+-- (_/ (      ACK TO HYRULE TOWN ---------------------------------- 01.03 --+

Return to the Elder's house in Minish Village.  Supposedly there is a man in 
Mount Crenel who is better abled than anyone to repair the Broken Picori 
Blade.  Leave through the exit on the left side of the house which he makes 
and when you get outside, enter the small structure above you just to your 
left.  Speak to the guy in here to acquire the BOMB BAG.  Use the broken tree 
stump outside of this house to get back to your original size once again.  
Head up from here and examine the stone to reveal some weird symbol.  Head 
left and then down, equip the bombs you acquired and use them to blow up these 
rocks.  It will lead you right back to the Eastern Hills again.  Head up and 
left, see the cracked wall between the two bushes?  Use a bomb on it and go 
inside to find a chest with 20 MYSTERIOUS SHELLS in it.  Now climb the stairs 
beside the door, go up and then left to reach Hyrule Town.  

Right when you enter, the Hurdy-Gurdy man will greet you and hand you a 
KINSTONE BAG.  Now whenever you see someone with that look in their eyes, 
press the L button in front of them to fuse Kinstones.  Fuse Kinstones with 
this man and you will see a path opens.  Don't waste any time, head down, then 
right on Hyrule Field, and down again to reach the tree you just opened up.  
Go inside to acquire a PIECE OF HEART.  Return to town, go left and down 
immediately to reach Swiftblade's place.  Speak to him and he'll teach you the 
Spin Attack.  Hold the attack button for a couple of seconds and then let go 
to use it, after you do he gives you the TIGER SCROLL for it.  If you can 
afford it then enter the shop on the right and buy the new Wallet for 80 
Rupees, the one that you have right now isn't exactly very good.  Head to the 
upper right corner of town where you will find Mayor Hagan's house.  There is 
a door on the right side leading to a ladder which you can take down and 
acquire the Kinstone Piece KINSTONE PIECE [RED].  Take it upstairs and press L 
beside the mayor to fuse, his matches your new one perfectly.  Make your way 
to the upper left corner of town and use your spinning sword technique on the 
guard there to show him you are ready to pass on to Trilby Highlands.

Descend down the ladder at the lower left and use a bomb on the right wall to 
reveal a hidden room.  The shrub at the top is actually a Deku Scrub, equip 
your shield and deflect one of his nuts back at him.  Now you have the 
opportunity to purchase an EMPTY BOTTLE from him for only 20 Rupees, you 
definitely want to take advantage of this deal, make absolutely sure to 
purchase this.  Leave this area by going back up the ladder, head up and then 
left as much as you can until you reach Mt. Crenel's Base.

      __     __)
     (, /|  /|
       / | / |
+-- (_/  |/  |_ T. CRENEL ------------------------------------------ 01.04 --+

When you arrive here, equip your bottle and use it on the water below you 
where the is an opening in the rocks.  After putting water in your bottle, use 
it on that little vine seedling to make it grow very tall.  Before going up 
it, climb the large vine on the left to get 20 Rupees.  Be careful of falling 
rocks at the top, and enemies as well.  Head left and then down to reach a 
fork at the bottom.  Take the right branch and place a bomb between the two 
fence posts to reveal a hole in the wall (or create I should say.)  Enter the 
cave, defeat the red enemies and ascend the ladder in here.  At the top here, 
on the right of the large stone with a crack in it, is a small stone with many 
cracks in it.  Use a bomb on the small stone to open the path.  Jump onto the 
rock and press the R button to shrink your size down.  Follow the path to 
reach a small area of rocks where the screen changes to a more zoomed in view.  
Run up to the top of the path and use your Empty Bottle to acquire Mt. Crenel 
Mineral Water.  Return to the rock again and use it to become big Link again.  
Jump down off the edge on the left side and continue left at the fork.  If you 
need bombs then the Deku Scrub inside the cave will sell them to you for the 
low, low price of 30 Rupees.  Either way leave this cave and use a bomb on the 
wall with cracks up past the cave entrance, it will blow a hole in it.

Grab hold of the mushroom and use it to launch yourself over to the other 
side.  Equip your Gust Jar here and use it to suck the iron masks off these 
enemies, at that point you can suck up the enemies as well or just sword slash 
them to death.  Leave this cave and drop into the whirlwind.  It launches you 
up with a parachute so hold left and up to reach the other whirlwind, when 
that launches you up go left and land on the ledge.  Go all the way left and 
all the way up, when you reach a dead end use a bomb on the wall to reveal a 
secret passage to a PIECE OF HEART, KINSTONE PIECE [BLUE], and 50 RUPEES.  
Leave this room, head down, and go up the ladder you pass at the bottom.  At 
the top here, equip the Gust Jar and use it to eliminate all the spikey things 
on the ground, you should reveal both a crack in the ground and a cracked rock 
you can use to shrink yourself.  Become Minish sized and then drop down that 
crack in the ground.  Open the chest to get KINSTONE PIECE [RED] then leave 
this house, go right and up the vine to a cave.  Navigate through this 
dangerous cave to find a chest at the end containing KINSTONE PIECE [BLUE].  

Leave the cave and go over to the far left where you can see that small green 
sprout, approach it to have the game zoom in to the small area where you are.  
Run straight up and grab the large seed with the R button.  Carry it out of 
here and place it into the hole on back on the main map again.  Use the 
mineral water to make it grow and then climb up the vine.  Go up the ladder on 
your left and place a bomb in between the rocks against the wall here, it will 
blast open a hole and allow you to acquire another PIECE OF HEART.  Leave the 
cave and descend the ladder, now head right and cross the bridge goin up.  Use 
a bomb on the wall here to blast it open.  Get the KINSTONE PIECE [BLUE] from 
the chest in here.  Go up the stairs here, defeat the enemies and then use a 
bomb to destroy the cracked blocks.  Push the block on the right up, and the 
upper block further up to get thorugh.  Jump down into the first whirlwind and 
parachute to the second whirlwind.  Climb the ladder and go right, blast open 
the cracked wall and use your shield to deflect the nut back at the Deku Scrub 
in here.  Purchase the GRIP RING from the Deku Scrub for 40 Rupees.  Leave the 
cave and climb back down to where you first entered Mt. Crenel (not the base, 
but the mountain.)  Climb up the ladder on the elft again and now you can 
climb the wall.  Go right when you have the chance to reach a short path with 
a section of wall you can blast.  Drop a bomb inside, pick it up with the R 
button and throw it into the fountain.  When a magical lady appears and asks 
whether you dropped the Golden Bomb or the Silver Bomb, say that you dropped 
neither and you will be given the BIG BOMB BAG.  Now leave this cave and begin 
scaling the wall once again, keep going until you reach the very top.

Make your way right and use the mushroom here to launch yourself across to the 
right side.  Step on the rick and shrink yourself down to Minish size, then 
follow the path right where you will reach one of those zoomed in areas.  Holy 
crap look out!  It's the most dangerous of all things, rain!  The drops are so 
large that you are in grave danger just running through here, keep running and 
rolling, you'll be fine.  Return to normal size on the other side and then 
push the rock on your left in the hole.  Push the rock at the lower right 
corner left once, up twice, left once, up twice, left four times, down once, 
left ten times, up four times, and right once to push it into the hole.  Now 
push this rock out of the way and descend the ladder.  Head down here, then 
push the upper block.  On the next one push the lowest block.  The one you 
moved is touching another at the upper left corner, push that one left and 
then the one above you up.  Go down a bit from here and push the one below 
you, down, then go around to the left side.  On your right are two blocks, one 
above the other.  Push the lower one right, then the one on your right, right.
There should be four blocks in a row below you, push the first one down, the 
third one down, and the second one left.  Now you're set, exit this cave.

Run right and enter the next cave.  There are two ways to to get thorugh here.  
One is to use your Gust Jar to suck the pots across the gap out of the way, 
and then spring across on the mushroom.  The other is to destroy the pots on 
your side, then suck the mushroom on the other side over to you and spring 
across, whichever you prefer.  Head downstairs.  Now note there is a bridge 
you cannot cross.  What you have to do is lay down a bomb, pick it up with the 
R button and throw it toward the switch on the other side.  When it explodes 
the bidge goes across and then you can walk along it.  Keep going along until 
you reach the next cave.  There is a rock at the upper right corner here, push 
it down, left, left, down, down, left, left, left, up, left, up, left.  Push 
the statue out of the way and descend down the stairs.  Push the bottom block 
to the left, and the one above it up.  Now push the box which shoud be 
directly on your left, left, and head up to get a KINSTONE PIECE [BLUE] from 
the chest.  Jump on the rock outside the cave and press the R button to 
shrink.  Run along the path to the west and then go down to reach Melari's 
Mines.  Follow the path around to the lowest level and speak with Melari.  
Climb the stairs on the left and speak with the little guy in front of the 
door.  He'll let you out of here, examine the stone aftering growing large, 
and then make your way up to the top to reach the Cave of Flames.

     )   ___     
+-- (______) AVE OF FLAMES ----------------------------------------- 01.05 --+

Inside the cavern, enter the room on the right.  Slash one of the bombs and 
then while it's running around, slash it again and then pick it up with the R 
button.  Throw it at the wall at the top to blast a hole it it then head up.  
Equip your shield on the other slot and walk into the enemies here, it will 
flip them upside down and give you the chance to strike.  Once they're dead a 
chest drops down containing the COMPASS.  In the next room there is an enemy 
hidden among all those Rupees, it will suck the money out of you if you aren't 
careful.  Descend the stairs at the top. Follow the path along and up the 
ladder then go right, down and right at the fork.  When you reach the mine 
cart climb onto it and ride it to the end of the track.  Keep going left 
through the next couple of rooms and use one of the bomb enemies (or one of 
your own bombs) to blast open the wall on the left side.  Equip the Gust Jar 
and use to to eliminate all enemies in this room.  Once you do so an object 
appears in the middle which will allow you to shrink down to Minish size.  
Take the upper-right little hole, and then go right (avoiding the enemies here 
as you cannot defeat them at your small size).  When you reach the Piece of 
Heart, go down and down again.  Step on the platform to return to normal size.

You can eliminate those fire things on the ground with a single slash of your 
sword.  Climb the ladder and open the large chest to acquire DUNGEON MAP.  
Descend down the ladder again and begin crossing on the crumbling platforms 
over the magma, grab the chest on your left for a KINSTONE PIECE [BLUE].  Step 
on the button and then continue to cross the platforms to reach the other side 
where the is an open door on the left wall.  There is a moving platform here 
but it still crumbles so you'll have to get off it as soon as you can on the 
other side.  Slash the enemeis with your sword and they'll form little balls, 
pick them up with the R button and use them to fill in the holes.  Fill the 
hole in front of the chest and open it to get 50 RUPEES.  Climb the stairs 
above you and drop into the whilwind, float straight down to another whirlwind 
then float a bit right and straight up to reach the ledge.  Notice the four 
blocks up the ladder, and one of them is slightly over to the right.  Push 
that block up, and then push the chest all the way left until it drops into 
the hole, you can open it then to get a SMALL KEY.  Step on the button in the 
upper right corner and then go up through the door on the north wall.

Head right and jump onto the mine cart again, it will launch you and drop you 
off right next to a locked door on your left.  Open that door and attack the 
lever with your sword to switch the tracks.  Jump back on the mine cart once 
again and ride it to a different location.  Head left and go up through the 
door.  Drop into the hole in front of you and stay there for a moment will the 
sharp moving death crushers go over your head.  Cross the train tracks over to 
the right, when you see three pots below you, notice the wall behind them is 
cracked, place a bomb on it and go through to get another PIECE OF HEART.  
Return to the previous room and go through the door above you.  Drop down the 
left side and prepare to be attacked!  To defeat these spikey enemies, use 
both your normal sword slash and spinning sword slash where possible, they 
can't block all of your attacks.  Once they're dead a chest drop containing 
the CANE OF PACCI.  Enter the next room with the Cane of Pacci on your 
secondary slot and fire it at the second platform to flip it over.  On the 
other side fire ti again down at the hole below you and jump into the hole to 
be launched up.  Step on the button here to open the door and go thorugh it.

The mine cart is flipped so what's the solution?  That's right, time to use 
the Cane of Pacci once again, flip over the mine cart and hop onto it.  At the 
end, push the pillar with the chest up and then left into the hole and open 
the chest to get a SMALL KEY.  Jump back into the mine cart and head up 
through the door at the end.  Drop down and then go up and use the key on the 
door here.  At the lower right there is a platform which will allow you to 
shrink yourself.  Run left, between the sharp things (avoid rolling, it'll 
throw your timing off) and go into the hole on the left side.  Navigate 
through this area and return to normal size.  Be careful of those spikey 
things on the way back.  Use the Cane of Pacci to flip your mine cart over 
again and then ride it to the other side.  Attack the lever with your sword 
and jump into the mine cart once again.  When it stops notice there are four 
holes below you and four of those curl-up enemies.  The solution is simple, 
throw them into the holes.  Grab hold of the pillar with the lever using the R 
button and drag it into the hole at the upper left, then hit the lever.

Make your way to the end of the path where you'll find a chest on your right.  
Drop down above here to reach another chest with a KINSTONE PIECE [BLUE] 
inside of it.  Push the upper block out of the way and then fire your Cane of 
Pacci into the hole below you.  Jump into it and launch yourself up to the 
other chest which has a KINSTONE PIECE [GREEN] inside of it.  Drop down again 
and head right.  Fire your Cane of Pacci at the moving platform to flip it 
over and then cross when the two of them connect (and the moving platform is 
moving downward.)  At the bottom use the cane again to flip the platform it 
touches and then again to flip the one after it.  This one should take you to 
safe ground.  Head up a little bit and flip the platform over.  Ride it right 
and beak the pots.  Now get ready for this, you have to flip and move, flip 
and move, over and over to reach safe ground at the top and then head up to 
reach the next area.  Climb the ladder on your left then drop down on the 
right.  If you continue right it will lead you to a chest with a KINSTONE 
PIECE [GREEN] inside.  Return to the left side and use the cane on the hole 
above the other one to launch yourself up and then down onto the left side.  
Use your cane in those hole as well and launch yourself up into the whirlwind.  
Parachute straight up to reach the ledge and continue right to the next room.

Use the whirlwind to parachute down and left to reach the ledge, and follow 
the path to reach the large lava area again.  Jump into the whirlwind and 
float straight down to reach a platform with another whirlwind and a hole.  
Float into the other whilwind or use the cane to jump into it, then float down 
to find a chest contianing 100 RUPEES.  Drop down and jump into the whirlwind 
again, float left and up to reach the hole with the flames.  Slash the flames 
to eliminate them and use the hole with the cane to pop yourself up.  Jump 
into the whirlwind and float left, using each whirlwind you pass to pop 
yourself up higher into the air.  Stop when you reach the lower left corner 
and get the chest containing KINSTONE PIECE [GREEN].  Jump into the whirlwind 
and glide up and right to another, then up and right to reach an elevated 
platform with a huge chest on it, this contains the BIG KEY.  Drop down the 
ledge above you and step on the button, a red portal appears.  Wait until the 
moving platform on your left is coming up and step on it to reach the large 
door.  Go through the door.  Every pot here pretty much has a heart under it, 
before you lift them up equip your bottle.  A couple of them will have faeries 
under them and if you hit the bottle buttong while they fly around you, you 
can catch one.  When you're ready to face the boss, then drop down the middle.

This boss is a fire monster located right in the middle of the lava pit.  His 
primary attack is a fireball he spits out of his head in your direction.  You 
can avoid this rathe reasily simply by running.  What you need to do in order 
to hurt the boss is have the Cane of Pacci equipped.  Run around and fire it 
at his body, not his head.  If you make a direct hit with his body, the shell 
will flip over and knock him down.  At that point his neck becomes a bridge to 
the weak point in the middle where you can attack with your sword.  Keep 
slashing until the hits don't register anymore, at which point you need to 
turn around and run across before he drops into the lava.  After every time 
this happens, after he goes under some rocks begin to fall from the ceiling, 
the lava in the middle expands outward, and once this dies down the boss comes 
up and fires a huge fire spray at you.  Run and roll to avoid this.  The 
interesting (and helpful) thing about this boss is that each fireball leaves a 
fire burning on the ground.  When you slash these things oftentimes they will 
leave a heart behind.  This actually makes the boss rather easy knowing you 
can almost replenish your health back to full at any time you wish.  Knock him 
down and attack with your sword approximately three times in order to win.  
After the boss has been defeated, collect the FIRE ELMENT and the HEART 
CONTAINER before using the teleport to return outside the cave.  Shrink 
yourself to Minish size and go back to speak with Melari once again.

+-- (_____) LEMENTAL SANCTUARY ------------------------------------- 01.06 --+

It seems Melari has completed his work on the WHITE SWORD which he gives you 
and tells you it's time to go and explore the Elemental Sanctuary.  Leave this 
area back in the direction of the cavern, return to normal size, and jump down 
the ledge below you.  It's a pretty short trip back down the mountain once 
again.  When you reach the Trilby Highlands, go over to the right side and 
then up across the bridge.  Head east at the top to reach the North Hyrule 
Field.  Shoot your Cane of Pacci into the hole above you and hop up to find a 
lever, slash the lever with your sword and watch as the bridge connects.  
You'll find this is actually a shortcut back to Hyrule Castle, head inside.

Make your way to the large door leading into the throne room, but go left 
instead and take the stairs down.  Make your way around to the bottom side and 
go up through the door in the middle, across the outdoor area, and into the 
Elmental Sanctuary.  Head straight up and examine the pedestal (from the top 
side) to place your sword in it.  After listeneing to your cap talk about the 
glowing panels in the floor, hold the attack button to charge your sword to 
full (keep an eye on the green bar at the top) and step on the two glowing 
panels while it's charged.  Now it's time to leave the sanctuary.  What you 
need to do is head down to the door.  Charge your sword fully.  Notice the two 
panels on the left side?  Step on the right one of those two, then step on the 
left panel of the two on the right side.  Now your clone should be spaced 
evenly so you can stop on the two buttons beside the door simultaneously.  

Leave the sanctuary and leave the castle entirely.  When you get outside, 
prepare for a confrontation with Vaati.  You'll be forced to fight two 
minibosses, to defeat them simply use charged sword attacks, it's very 
powerful and should only take a couple of hits.  Ezlo explains that Vaati was 
once his apprentice, however with the power of the Minish Cap he created which 
grants wishes, Vaati turned to evil.  Vaati is looking for something the 
Minish created called the Light Force which grants infinite magical power.  
After this is over head left, you'll notice a rock with some cracks in it.  
Place a bomb there and descend down the ladder, then down the stairs to 
acquire another PIECE OF HEART.  Now there are many optional things to do.

       /(,  )
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+-- (___ / PTIONAL STUFF ------------------------------------------- 01.07 --+

Return to Hyrule Town.  Let's begin by heading to the festival area where the 
four red squares are.  The lower right square has some junk covering it, suck 
up all the junk with your Gust Jar and it will make a secretive noise.  That 
will have a positive effect later.  Next speak to the guy on the upper left 
square, well don't speak to him, rather press L to bring up the Kinstone menu.  
You should have the correct green Kinstone to connect here.  Next speak to the 
woman down and to the right, the one standing beside the well, you should be 
able to successfully fuse Kinstones with her and create an opening up near the 
castle.  Head back to the dojo again and speak to the master to learn a new 
technique and get the TIGER SCROLL for it.  Leave the building and head for 
the upper left corner of town, there's a man standing in front of a door and 
you should be able to successfully fuse Kinstones with him.  At the lower 
right corner of town there is a girl out front of her house who is missing 
some chickens.  If you can catch as many as she asks you in the correct amount 
of time, she will give you rewards Rupees!).  Take these Rupees to the shop 
and purchase that shiny new Boomerang on the table.  It's well worth it.  

Okay, we've now had just about enough of being big.  Enter the bar and use 
your Cane of Pacci to flip the large blue urn upside down.  Before jumping on 
it, push the bookshelf at the top of the bar to the left.  Now shrink yourself 
and use that ladder you revealed.  Cross the shelf to the left and go through 
the hole.  There's a secret Minish bar upstairs here, make your way thorugh to 
the right, cross the bridge between the two buildings and open the chest in 
the next house containing 10 MYSTERIOUS SHELLS.  Be careful of enemies around 
here as well.  Return to normal size and leave the house.  Enter the blue 
house to the right of the shop and flip the urn, then shrink yourself.  Fuse 
Kinstones with the dog in here, to reveal a secret path in a tree.  Leave the 
house and head left to reach a small bridge which you can only cross with this 
small size.  On the other side go up and speak to the dog blocking the stairs, 
he'll move when you talk to him.  Now you can access this area while big.  

Directly below the dog you'll see two small lines of flowers leading down 
toward the house, go between them to enter the secret entrance at the back.  
Use the pot in here to grow big again.  Leave the house and go down into the 
tree below you, here you can gamble the Mysterious Shells you have acquired 
for figurines if you want.  That about does it for stuff to do in town.  Leave 
town and head for Minish Woods, when you arrive at the bridge leading to the 
woods, turn around and go up a bit, then right.  You should find a hole here, 
use your Cane of Pacci to pop yourself up to the ledge and go right,  Inside 
this litte tree is a fountain.  Offer to give the fairy all of your Rupees and 
she'll reward you with a BIG WALLET.  Now to put some Rupees in that wallet, 
leave this area and return to the bridge leading into Minish Woods.  Just 
inside, if you fused Kinstones correctly, you'll find a chest with 200 RUPEES 
inside of it.  On your way back head to the North end of Lon Lon Ranch, there 
is a hole there.  Fire your Cane of Pacci into it and bounce up to the ledge.  
On the next screen up, Veil Falls, you'll find a PIECE OF HEART on the right 
side.  Now you need to make your way over to the base of Mt. Crenel.

Make your way through the base of the mountain and when you reach Mt. Crenel, 
head all the way to the right and begin climbing up the walls until you can 
climb no higher.  You'll reach a room with coloured panels o nthe floor, 
charge your sword and activate the panels to create a clone of yourself as far 
away as possible.  Move them between the wall and step on the two buttons 
simultaneously to open the door.  Inside is Grayblade's dojo.  Speak to him to 
learn the Roll attack and get the TIGER SCROLL for it.  Also don't forget to 
grab the PIECE OF HEART in the corner.  Note as well the treasure chests in 
the corners with 50 RUPEES and 50 RUPEES again!  Now once again it's time to 
return to Hyrule Town.  Your next destination is the Tribly Highlands.

     )   ___     
+-- (______) ASTOR WILDS ------------------------------------------- 01.08 --+

Remember down the ladder at the lower left where you got the Bottle from the 
Deku Scrub?  Well descend down the aldder, but this time charge your sword and 
step on the glowing panels.  Create a clone above or below you and with his 
help, push the big rock on your left to the side.  Equip bombs as your 
secondary weapon and blast the cracked wall here in front of you.  Open the 
chest to acquire KINSTONE PIECE [RED].  Run down to the lower right corner, 
then head up.  Push the rock into the hole so you can come back here eaisly, 
then turn around and go all the way down to the next screen.  As you start to 
walk there is a scene with the king and Vaati.  It seems Vaati has brinwashed 
the king into helping him look for the Light Force!  How despicably evil of 
him.  No matter, make your way down, left, up and left to reach the Castor 
Wilds.  Try to run through the muck and listen to what your hat has to say.

Return to Hyrule Town once again.  In the main festival area, the upper left 
building has a large shoe on top of it.  Go inside and the guy at the counter 
will fall asleep.  Jump onto the urn at the top left to shrink yourself, and 
then ascend the mini-ladder on the front counter.  Speak to the Minish here 
and they will put the location of Syrup's Hut on your map.  Return to your 
normal size, exit town via the south exit, and head for Lon Lon Ranch.  
Approach the entrance of the ranch and speak with the two people.  Now go 
around behind and use the stump to change to Minish size.  There is a small 
hole in the front of the house here.  Break all the pots with your sword to 
reveal the LON LON RANCH KEY.  Leave through the small door and give the key 
to the man outside.  Go through the house and around back there should be a 
staircase leading down to a large chest with another BIG WALLET.  Start 
cutting down all the grass outside, you should be able to find random green 
Kinstone Pieces in there, just keep going in and out of the cave until you 
have as many as you like.  Enter the cave on your left and push the large 
block with your clone, open the chest to get 50 RUPEES and leave.  

Run to the right side and then go up at the fork.  At the end, push the rock 
into the hole and then use your Cane of Pacci to launch yourself up to the 
ledge.  Shrink down in the stump and cross the bridge over to the right, down 
the crack you'll find a chest with KINSTONE PIECE [RED] in it.  Return back 
across the bridge, grow large and jump into the whirlwind.  Float staight down 
to reach the next ledge and keep going down into another whirlwind.  Continue 
down across the water and then right, to reach Lake Hylia.  Follow the path 
down, right and down to reach Minish Woods.  Make your way to the end of the 
path and into Syrup's Hut.  Pick up the mushroom and speak to the witch in 
order to purchase it for a mere 60 Rupees.  Now that you have the Wake-up 
Mushroom, leave the hut and head to the left side where you will find PIECE OF 
HEART.  Return to Hyrule Town and go into the shoe shop.  Stand in front of 
the sleeping guy and use the mushroom with the R button.   He'll give you the 
PEGASUS BOOTS in return for waking him.  Now that you have the Pegasus Boots 
you can learn something new.  Head to Swiftblade's dojo and he'll teach you a 
new move.  The Dash Attack is used along with the Pegasus Boots and he gives 
you the TIGER SCROLL for it as well.  Return now to the Castor Wilds.

Thanks to the Pegasus Boots you are now able to freely cross the muck.  Hold 
the button to run left, then down, then left under the bridge, and finally up 
into the cave door.  Descend the stairs here then go left and up through the 
door to find a chest.  Unfortunately the chest disappears and a miniboss 
appears.  To defeat this enemy, run at him with the Pegasus Boots to go right 
through him, then turn around and slash his back.  After a few slashes he'll 
go down quite easily.  Open the chest to acquire KINSTONE PIECE [GOLD].  Go 
back outside the cave then head left and climb up the vine beside you.  Take 
the northeast bridge up, then descend the vine.  Run west with your Pegasus 
Boots to reach a stump where you can shink to Minish Size.  Enter the log on 
your left then go up to find a water lilly.  Equip the Gust Jar and move 
yourself north until you hit the other side.  Drop down the hole and eliminate 
all the enemies here, once you do a large chest appears containing the BOW.

Leave this area and return to normal size.  Head back to the vine you climbed 
down, go up it and cross the bridge to the lower right.  Descend the vine and 
equip your Bow.  Fire an arrow at the statue to bring it to life, and then a 
few more to defeat it.  Follow the path here to a cave with a chest inside 
containing KINSTONE PIECE [GOLD].  Return to the vine and climb up, cross 
every bridge from here to the other end where you'll come across another 
statue.  Eliminate this statue using the Bow.  There's a KINSTONE PIECE [BLUE] 
in the chest across the bridge.  Drop off the edge and run down to find a 
grave, push the tombstone upward and go down the stairs.  Forget the dojo 
itself, just gran the PIECE OF HEART in the corner.  Make your way East across 
the muck using the Pegasus Boots and defeat the statue with the Bow.  Climb up 
the vine and cross the bridge to reach a whirlwind.  Your destination is the 
cave in the lower left corner with a KINSTONE PIECE [GOLD] inside the chest.  
Leave the cave and push the rock to the left.  Run to the far lower left 
corner where you will find three statue.  Press L to do Kinstone fusions with 
all of them and the rock will break.  Now enter the Wind Ruins from here.

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+-- /  | IND RUINS ------------------------------------------------- 01.09 --+

Equip your bombs and climb up the stairs here, use a bomb on the cracked wall 
to blast open a hole.  Inside the chest you'll find a KINSTONE PIECE [BLUE].  
Leave the cave and head down.  This callsic enemy must be touched before you 
can actually fight it, don't worry, you won't be hurt.  Follow the path to a 
tree stump which will shrink you, then drop down the hole.  Open the chest for 
KINSTONE PIECE [RED] then leave the hole and approach the stationary enemy.  
Use your sword to flip the on switch in his head, then touch him at normal 
size to activate him.  Two screens from here when you cannot access the 
ladder, all you have to do is simply kill the three spider enemies.  

Keep going along the path until you come to a tree stump.  Shrink yourself and 
turn around, returning to the previous screen.  Drop down and then descend the 
vine at the lower left corner.  On the screen below, there are three vines 
going down, take the one in the middle which leads to a small cave.  Inside, 
walk along the path without falling to reach a PIECE OF HEART.  Return to the 
tree stump where you shrunk yourself, but remain small.  Make your way into 
the head of the armour and flip the switch.  Now get big again and turn him 
on!  Once the enemy is defeated you can proceed to the next screen.  Defeat 
the three armour guys to open the path to the two chests on the right side, 
they contain 100 RUPEES and 50 MYSTERIOUS SHELLS.  Jump on the stump and go 
into the enemy, turn it off this time and leave.  Now you can freely go down.  
It'a  linear path from here into the Fortress of Winds.  All you have to do is 
defeat all the enemies here, including the ones hiding under rocks.

      (, /       
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+-- (_/   ORTRESS OF WINDS ----------------------------------------- 01.10 --+

Enter the fortress and make a right at the fork.  Ascend the stairs in this 
room to reach the next floor.  Note the skulls can be broken with your sword.  
Break the ones on the left and open the chest to get a KINSTONE PIECE [BLUE].  
Pull the handle at the bottom to unlock the door.  Break the skulls on the 
right and pull the handle to make another chest appear, with another KINSTONE 
PIECE [BLUE].  Run around to the bottom and ascend the ladder up.  On the next 
floor just follow the path and go through the door.  Head right and defeat the 
enemy statue.  Use your sword to break the skulls and reveal glowing panels on 
the floor.  Charge your sword and step on the two furthest away from each 
other, then go back through the door o nthe right and step on the two buttons 
simultaneously.  This will lead you to a platform where you can shrink.

In Minish form, head down and left.  Enter the armour statue here and flip the 
switch, then go between the crack on your left to return to normal size.  
Defeat the enemy and pull the lever to make a key drop down.  Use the magic 
platform once again to reduce your size, and as a small Link, drop down the 
hole.  Go through the small hole on your right and increase your size to get 
the PIECE OF HEART.  Push the block beside the far left one down, and leave 
the room.  Enter the next room over and grab your SMALL KEY.  Leave this room 
through the bottom door and go all the way to the left and in that door.  
Climb the stairs here and on the second floor, go down and around to reach the 
top where you will see something on the left wall.  Fire an arrow at it and 
the door opens.  Go through it and battle the four jumping skeletons to get 
through.  There are some Rupees on the ground here, one of them hides an enemy 
in it.  Climb the ladder and go up through the door.  Step onto the moving 
platform, and then from that one onto the next moving platform.  As it goes 
left and right, fire arrows up at the eyes and the door will open.  

Make your way north into the room.  Use the glowing panels on the floor and 
judge the distance you need to step on the two buttons simultaneously.  When 
the statues wake up, eliminate your clone and fight them yourself.  Once they 
are both destroyed a treasure chest drops which contains COMPASS.  Return to 
the previous room, there are two more eyes on the wall beside the east door, 
fire at them to open it up and go through the door.  Once the enemies are 
defeated, break the skulls below you to reveal four glowing panels on the 
floor.  Charge your sword and step on the vertical ones to create a clone 
above or below you.  Use your clone to help push the large block aside.  Once 
it hits the wall, step down and push the other block left.  Return to the 
glowing panels and create another clone, this time on your left or right.  Use 
him to help you push the first block up to the top, then pull the lever to 
make a key fall down.  Drop down the hole yourself and get the SMALL KEY.

Leave this room through the bottom door and go one room to the right.  Ascend 
the stairs then head up, kill one of the statues and open the large chest to 
acquire DUNGEON MAP.  Go up and head through the door on the right.  Pull the 
lever to extend the bridge across and then quickly roll as fast as possible 
toward the top.  Go right into the next room, being careful to just avoid the 
hands, and then right again.  In this room head down and drop into one of the 
holes, wait for the spikey rollers to go over you then jump out.  You'll 
notice four buttons.  Here's what you have to do.  Push or pull one of the 
statues onto the upper right button, and then other onto the lower left 
button.  Now go up to find glowing panels.  Charge your sword and step on the 
lowest left panel, then the highest right panel.  Have your clone walk down 
between the blocks, then left so you can walk down between the blocks.  When 
you get through you should be spaced just right to both step on the remaining 
two buttons and make a SMALL KEY appear.  Get the key and go through the door 
below you.  Follow the path all the way left and jump down.

This time take the door on the left.  Ride the moving platform across being 
careful of the blocks you pass.  In the next room fire arrows at the left wall 
eyes to unlock the door and extend the bridge.  If a shadow appears above you, 
move to avoid the hand.  In the next room there's a miniboss, the easiest way 
to defeat him is to simply put down bombs and blow him up.  Go down to the 
next room and run around the edge in between the moving objects.  You need to 
step on the button on the right side, then go through the door below you.  
When you get to the path head right where you'll find two skulls and a space 
between them, place a bomb there to blow up the wall and make a path to a 
chest containing MOLE MITTS.  Use them in this room to reach a chest with 100 
RUPEES.  Leave the room and head right to drop down again in front of those 
two doors.  Take the right door again and cross the bridge.  In this next room 
defeat the hands to make a platform appear.  Use it to shrink yourself.  In 
the next room go through the hole on the right and head down.  Get between the 
rolling spike logs and make your way to the lower left door.  On this walkway 
there is a small hole in the wall above you, go through it and use the 
platform to get big again.  Step on the button to make a key fall. Use your 
Mole Mitts and dig to the key, avoiding any areas with the flashing things in 
them to get SMALL KEY.  Now shrink yourself again and leave the room.  Drop 
down, avoiding the hands and return to normal size and head right.

Through the door you'll find a bunch of stuff to dig through in order to reach 
the ladder.  Ascend the ladder and break the skulls at the top.  Use your 
small key on the door before proceeding up.  There are two holes here, the one 
you want to drop down is the one on the right.  Open the chest to acquire BIG 
KEY.  Drop down, head left and go up the stairs, then left again to return to 
the room which had the two locked doors.  Go down through the door at the 
bottom and dig your way to the statue.  Push it up onto the button to make a 
chest appear, then open the chest to acquire KINSTONE PIECE [BLUE].  Climb the 
ladder and when you find four blocks, push the upper right one to the right to 
make a red portal appear.  Step into the portal now.  Go down through the door 
at the bottom, then right and into the first room.  Climb the stairs and go 
down, there's a chest here, use your Mole Mitts to reach it and get KINSTONE 
PIECE [RED].  Climb the ladder here and open the chest on the left for 
KINSTONE PIECE [BLUE].  Enter the room above you and drop down the hole.  
Leave this room and run to the far right, don't go in the room, just dig to 
the far right corner to find a bunch of Rupees.  Now run to the far left 
corner and dig to reach the door.  When you go through you'll have to fight a 
miniboss.  Two wizards and torches which fire projectiles at you.  Avoid the 
projectiles while slashing the wizards with your sword.  Once they have been 
defeated open the chest to acquire 80 MYSTERIOUS SHELLS.  Now return to the 
room with the two portals and step on the red portal to reach the boss door.  
Destroy all the skulls to get a bunch of hearts then head straight up.

This boss may provide an adequate challenge for you.  What you are going to 
need equipped here is the Sword and the Bow.  Your goal at the beginning of 
the fight is to aim your bow at the eyes on the palms of the two hands, once 
hit with an arrow the hands will drop.  While dropped, you can approach the 
hands and slash them with your sword to really incapacitate them.  Knock both 
hands down and slash them at the same time to make the head drop to the floor.  
While the head is on the floor you can use one of the platforms to shrink down 
to Minish size and enter the head.  There you will find six pillars, one of 
them is glowing, slash it with your sword to blow it up.  That's one of three.  
For the second round it's the exact same thing except once you get into the 
head, you have to dig around using your Mole Mitts to find the right one.  For 
the third round it's the same thing except the head itself begins to attack, 
firing a big blue beam at you periodically.  The hands themselves have a 
couple attacks.  The stomping attack is easy to avoid, simply roll when the 
shaodw is above you head.  If the hand sweeps down in a circular motion it's 
trying to grab you, roll up to avoid it.  Lastly one of the hands may stomp 
and knock down a few spider enemies, simply use your sword to slash them and 
kill them.  It shouldn't be too difficult to eliminate this boss.  Grab the 
HEART CONTAINER then go up the stairs and read the large tablet.  It seems the 
Wind Element isn't here but you do get the OCARINA OF WIND.  Once outside of 
the dungeon use it to warp to Lake Hylia.  Drop down to the left to reach Lon 
Lon Ranch.  Equip the Pegasus Boots and begin cutting down the grass here over 
and over to find lots of green Kinstone Pieces, you're going to need them.  
After doing this return to Hyrule Town.  Run to the very top in the middle, 
just to your right is a tablet that when examined, becomes a warop point for 
the Ocarina.  How very helpful.  Now there's some optional stuff to do.

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+-- (_/  |/  |_ ANY OPTIONAL FUSIONS ------------------------------- 01.11 --+

Let's start from the bottom of Hyrule Town.  There is a woman on the left in 
front of the yellow house named June, speak with her and fuse Kinstones.  A 
chest appears in Minish Woods.  Adfterward head for the lower right corner and 
fuse Kinstones with the woman in front of the chicken coop to make a chest 
appear in Hyrule Town.  After this head for mama's cafe and fuse Kinstones 
with mama.  Something good happens at Lake Hylia.  You can also fuse with the 
woman sitting on the right side named Chai.  Also don't forget the Hurdy-Gurdy 
man on the left who makes a chest appear in Minish Woods.  Speak to Malon, 
standing beside her cart at the top of town and Fuse Kinstones to make a chest 
appear in Minish Woods.  Just above her and left is the library, go upstairs 
and fuse Kinstones with the old man there, Sturgeon, to make a staircase 
appear in South Hyrule Field.  Head for the house with the yellow roof just 
below the post office on the upper left side of town, fusing with him will 
create a portal in South Hyrule Field, this one is important.  There's a house 
at the bottom with a lot of carpenters in it.  Fuse with all three of them in 
here.  Use the urn to make yourself Minish sized and then climb the small 
ladder in this house.  Follow the shelf to reach a hole with a Minish inside, 
you can fuse Kinstones with this guy.  Leave the house as Minish through the 
hole at the top and fuse with the dog.  Now head over to the right side of 
town.  Enter the large building through the main door and fuse with the guy 
beside the desk, Bindle is his name.  Climb the stairs and fuse with Satchel, 
the guy at the table.  Leave this room through the left door and fuse with the 
green haired girl.  After doing this go to the house where the guy appeared 
and speak to him, then come back and speak with the green haired girl and tell 
her there's a place to move in.  Find the Postman running around town 
somewhere and fuse Kinstones with him as well.  Lolly and Candy are two people 
you can fuse with, standing out front of the games house. That's good for now.

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+-- (_/ HE LIBRARY ------------------------------------------------- 01.12 --+

Your destination is the library in Hyrule Town, the one at the northwest end 
of town.  Head upstairs and speak with the old man, then go out the south 
door, flip the urn and shrink yourself.  Head back inside and approach the 
shelf beside the man to enter a Minish sized area.  Speak with the Minish and 
then return to normal size.  Speak to the woman on the left at the front desk 
and leave the library.  You'll find the book in the house with the blue roof 
at the lower right corner of town.  Unfortunately you can't reach it.  Equip 
your bottle and use it on the river on the left side to put water in it, then 
return to those two blue roofed houses and enter the one on the left.  Use the 
water on the fireplace and go into it as Minish sized.  You can walk along the 
roof to reach the next house.  Watch out for the cat and climb up the ladder, 
push the book off the shelf down onto the floor and return to normal size.  
Now you can acquire A HYRULEAN BESTIARY easily .  Return it to the library.

The next book you need to acquire after speaking to the woman is in the 
possession of a scholar, the man who lives in the house with the blue roof on 
the far left side of town.  Enter his house with a Bottle full of water.  
Speak to him and then pour your water on the fire.  You need to be Minish 
sized so leave the house and enter the carpenter's house below.  After 
shinking return to Dr. Left's house and go through the fireplace.  Head up and 
into that little mushroom house, fuse Kinstones with the Minish in here.  Head 
up into the Stranger's house and out the small back door.  Go right, down, 
right, up, down and past the cats to reach a vine down to a fountain cave.

Make a right and go through the door.  Equip the Cane of Pacci and fire it at 
the hole above you, then pop up to the ledge.  In the next room you'll have to 
fight four normal enemies before a chest appears with POWER BRACELETS inside.  
That's all you need from here, leave this cave and backtrack to the scholar's 
house once again.  Now with your super strength, stay as Minish size but push 
both booksehlves to the left, starting with the left one then the right one.  
Climb the ladder to reach the hole.  What you have to do is equip the Gust Jar 
and suck the dust up from the left side.  Charge your sword and step on the 
glowing panels to make a clone above or below you.  Walk over to the right 
side and step on the edge of the book to help the Minish guy make it drop 
down.  Return to normal size and grab the LEGEND OF THE PICORI.  

Return the libary book to find out the location of the last one.  Head for the 
mayor's house and equip your Pegasus Boots.  Run and slam into the wall under 
each of the four masks to make them fall.  Speak to the mayor two times and 
then shrink to Minish size.  Climb the ladder and run along to reach the 
Minish door.  Speak with the Minish inside to have your next destination 
marked on your map.  Use the Ocarina of Wind to warp to Lake Hylia.  Head left 
to Lon Lon Ranch and use the whirlwinds again to float down across the small 
pond below which takes you again to Lake Hylia.  Go down to reach Minish Woods 
and Syrup's hut.  There's a golden enemy here which will net you a lot of 
Rupees when killed.  Head to the left side and open the chest to acquire 
KINSTONE PIECE [BLUE].  Equip the Mole Mitts and head right, dig open the cave 
entrance here.  Keep digging to reach a ladder and ascend it.  This takes you 
to Mayor Hagen's place.  Equip the Pegasus Boots and slam into the tree behind 
the house, jump on the stump and shrink yourself then head down into the 
Minish area.  Equip your Gust Jar and use it to propel yourself on the lilly 
pad downward.  Step on the lilly pad i nthe house and go down.  Push the shelf 
to the right as Minish then climb the ladder and push the book off the top.  
Return to nromal size and grab A HISTORY OF MASKS.  Use the Ocarina to Warp 
back to the Town of Hyrule and return the book once again to the library.

Shrink yourself and return to the bookshelf.  Speak with the Minish at the 
bottom ot get 50 RUPEES.  Climb up to reach the elder's house and speak to 
him, you'll drop into a cave below.  Push the lower left block left, and then 
one below it down to get out.  Equip the Gust Jar and use it to suck the 
mushroom over to you.  Flip across the water and go through the door.  You'll 
have to fight a miniboss here, all you need to do is wait for them to launch 
thei pincers off their faces and swing you sword as much a possible during 
that time.  After they are defeated open the chest to acquire FLIPPERS.  You 
can finally swim now.  Jump in the water and swim straight down to reach the 
exit.  Use the urn on the library to return to normal size once again.  At 
this point with all that you have, it's time to do some serious exploring.

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+-- (___ / PTIONAL EXPLORATION ADVENTURE! -------------------------- 01.13 --+

This will of course assume you've done as many fusions as possible in the Town 
of Hyrule.  If you find the walkthrough mentions a chest in here that you 
don't see, it may just be because you haven't yet fused the Kinstone, don't 
worry about it too much.  We'll begin in the Town of Hyrule.  At the lower 
right corner you can play the chicken game, you have to play it quite a few 
times but in the end you will end up netting yourself three KINSTONE PIECE 
[RED] followed by a PIECE OF HEART.  After that the peizes are just Rupees.  I 
don't know about you, but I didn't have the right Kinstone before to fit with 
the carpenter at the upper elft corner of town, now after those three red ones 
I do, so if that's the case, head up and fuse Kinstones with Bremor.  Shrink 
yourself on one of the lower right houses, then go up and enter the bakery.  
There is a small ladder on the back shelf leading up to a hole, through the 
one of the left you'll find a chest with 100 RUPEES inside.  THere are three 
houses beside the festival area on the left.  Enter the one in the middle and 
speak to the man, he'll tell you about a battle which might get you something 
good.  Agree to take part in the battle and if you win, you get a PIECE OF 
HEART.  After that it's just green Kinstone or something, nothing important.

Equip your Mole Mitts and use them to open the cave on the right side of town, 
to the left of the large building.  Dig through to the lower right corner and 
open the chest to acquire KINSTONE PIECE [RED].  Dig up then left to find 
another chest in the upper left corner with KINSTONE PIECE [RED].  Now dig 
down and left to find a ladder with a chest above it containing KINSTONE PIECE 
[RED].  Descend the ladder and open the chest for 100 RUPEES.  Push the rock 
right so it drops into the hole.  Now leave this cave and return to Hyrule 
Town.  Head down from the cave and go into the house below the well, shrink 
yourself to Minish size.  Leave the house and go directly up from it.  Beside 
the stairs, in between the stairs and the large building there is a vine to 
climb up.  Ascend the vine and go above the large building, then down in 
between the flowers to reach a small room with a PIECE OF HEART inside.  Leave 
here and return to your normal size.  Leave Hyrule Town now, to the south.

Head down and step on the portal you pass.  This takes you up to some house.  
Open the two chests to acquire KINSTONE PIECE [GREEN] and KINSTONE PIECE 
[GREEN].  Continue to go downstairs until you reach another chest with 
KINSTONE PIECE [GREEN] in it.  Equip your Gust Jar and begin sucking up the 
ghost, it takes some serious power and you have to keep it on the ghost but 
eventually it will be sucked in.  The oldman gives you 100 MYSTERIOUS SHELLS 
for saving his life.  Head down and around to the right side of your house, 
there's a chest in the grass with 200 MYSTERIOUS SHELLS.  Equip your Cane of 
Pacci and use it on the hole to your right to pop up to the ledge.  Fuse 
Kinstones with this... thing here named Tingle.  Now make your way to the 
upper left corner and go down to find some stairs.  There are tons of Rupees 
in this cave.  Get next to the lower left corner and equip the Pegasus Boots.  
Use them to smash into the sparkling tree and reveal a stump.  Shrink yourself 
down then enter the house above you, fuse Kinstones with the Forest Minish.  
Stay Minish sized and corss the bridge then go up, there is a vine you can 
climb down to reach the water.  Swim to the upper right where you'll find a 
cave with a PIECE OF HEART in it.  Return to the stump and get back to your 
normal size.  From here take the upper right exit to Eastern Hills.  

Defeat the golden snake to get a whole lot of Rupees.  Your destination is the 
upper left corner, there are two guys working in their garden.  Fuse Kinstones 
with Eenie and Meenie here.  Afterward equip your mole Gloves and break open 
the cave to find lots of Rupees, be careful though, one of them hides an 
enemy.  Leave the Eastern Hills and head up to Lon Lon Ranch.  Behind the 
ranch you will find a sparkling tree, equip the Pegasus Boots and smash into 
the tree to reveal a stump.  Shrink yourself and head right, there's a small 
Minish zoomed in area.  Open the chest on the way up to get a KINSTONE PIECE 
[RED] and at the top you'll find a PIECE OF HEART.  Return to normal size and 
cross the pond on the right side, easy now that you have the Flippers.  Go 
right to Lake Hylia then down and back left again to Lon Lon Ranch.  Climb the 
stairs and jump into the whirlwind, float left and up to reach the other 
whirlwind and go left from that one to land on the ledge.  Drop down, push the 
rock into the hole.  You can enter the cave if you want, but there's nothing 
to do in there at the moment.  At least now you can reach it whenever.  Head 
to the upper left corner and use the cane to pop up to the ledge and go up.

Here in Veil Falles, head right and down the ladder.  Keep going down, back to 
Lon Lon Ranch to find a chest containing 200 RUPEES.  Return to the previous 
screen and jump in the water.  Swim to the upper right corner where you'll 
find a number of Rupees (many fake with enemies hidden.)  To reach the red 
ones just break the rocks with your sword.  Equip the Mole Mitts and go into 
the cave, there are two chests in here containing 50 RUPEES and 50 MYSTERIOUS 
SHELLS.  Back to Lon Lon Ranch once again.  Go around behind the ranch and 
into the cave at the back.  Climb the ladder and speak to the thing up there, 
fuse Kinstones with it.  With this out of the way head south back to the 
Eastern Hills again and then from there go down and cross into Minish Woods.

Head right and stay close to the top, with your Mole Mitts equipped you'll 
come across a cave you can enter.  Beware of the hidden item stealing enemies 
in front of the chests.  Open the chests to acquire 50 RUPEES and KINSTONE 
PIECE [BLUE].  Go right and then down, on the way down you'll pass a chest 
with KINSTONE PIECE [RED] inside it.  Ignore the stump at the bottom, then go 
up at the fork.  Open the chest here to acquire KINSTONE PIECE [RED].  Shrink 
yourself now and head left at the fork, drop down the crack and open the chest 
to acquire KINSTONE PIECE [BLUE].  Swim across to reach Minish Village, on 
your way up open the chest containing 200 RUPEES.  Make a left at the entrance 
and then a left again at the fork.  Enter the house at the end here and fuse 
Kinstones with the Forest Minish inside.  That's all there is to do here, 
leave the town through the elder's house at the upper left corner.  Don't 
return to normal size, cross the bridge as Minish and go up.  Enter the right 
cave for a KINSTONE PIECE [BLUE], then the middle cvae for a KINSTONE PIECE 
[BLUE].  Go through the left one, being careful of the icy paths to find a 
chest at the end with a KINSTONE PIECE [RED] and a PIECE OF HEART with it. 

Use your Ocarina of Wind to warp back to Hyrule Town.  You should esily have 
999 Rupees by now so head for the shop and buy the Large Quiver.  You can get 
the Big Bomb Bag later.  Also what you'll want to do is check the left side of 
town, that new house should be finished.  Speak to the guy out front and then 
go to the large building on the right side and pick one of the girls to live 
there.  Return to the house and break the pots beside the fireplace.  Head 
down to the carpenter's place and shrink yourself, then go up into Dr. Left's, 
take his fireplace to reach the higher area and enter the new house.  Push two 
of the shelves left to reveal a ladder, climb up it and fuse Kinstones with 
the Town Minish in here.  Leave via the upper left exit to Tribly Highlands.

Head for the upper left corner and use your Mole Mittes to break open the 
cave.  Get the chest to the left and up for a KINSTONE PIECE [BLUE].  There's 
a KINSTONE PIECE [BLUE] on the other side as well, and a ladder going up.  
Shrink yourself on the stump and climb the vine above you, fuse Kinstones with 
the Forest Minish in here.  Leave the house and fuse Kinstones with that blue 
thing outside as well.  Jump down over to edge and go right to reach another 
cave entrance.  Open the chest in here to acquire KINSTONE PIECE [RED].  Climb 
down the ladder if you wish to reach the fairy fountain.  Exit the cave and 
make your way to the lower left corner of the Trilby Highlands.  Go down the 
stairs which just appeared here in the water area to find a whole load of 
Rupees.  Make your way as far south as you can go to reach the bottom of the 
Western Wood, there you will find a stump and a small Minish house.  Fuse 
Kinstones with the Minish inside.  This will grow a beanstalk outside, climb 
up it to reach the top where you'll find hundreds of Rupees and a KINSTONE 
PIECE [RED].  Head north and then west to reach the Castor Wilds.

Equip the Pegasus Boots and head left, down, left and up.  Climb up the vine 
and then take the bridge going up and right.  Climb down the vine on the other 
side of the bridge then go down and right to find a cave which must be broken 
open with the Mole Mitts.  There are two chests in here containing KINSTONE 
PIECE [RED] and 50 MYSTERIOUS SHELLS.  Leave the cave and head up and left.  
Cross the muck to the left and shrink yourself.  Take the lilly pad which is 
going back and forth above you to the crack in the ground.  Drop down and open 
the chest for a KINSTONE PIECE [BLUE].  Take the lilly pad going down and grab 
the KINSTONE PIECE [RED].  Ascend the ladder and go down through the log.  
Head all the way down to the bottom where you should find a lilly pad going 
back and forth on the right side.  Cross it, climb the vine and drop down for 
a KINSTONE PIECE [RED].  Cross back again and head up while sticking on the 
right side.  Go thorugh the tunnel leading under the bridge.  Continue going 
southeast until you reach a body of water.  Swim into the water and look for a 
small cave at the upper right.  There are six water paths to choose from, take 
the one on the far left for a KINSTONE PIECE [RED] and then the one second 
from the right.  In this room take out those pincer enemies, then push the 
block second from the left up, then the one fourth from the left up, and the 
one third from the left right, this will allow you to pass through.  Next push 
the block one left of the Piece of Heart up, and one right of the Piece of 
Heart up, then the one right below the Piece of Heart left.  Now you can 
finall grab the PIECE OF HEART.  Leave the cave and head back to the stump to 
grow big once again.  Use the Ocarina of Wind to warp to Mt. Crenel

Shrink yourself and enter Melari's Mines.  Speak to the little Mountain Minish 
right beside you to fuse Kinstones.  Go down and ascend the stairs and enter 
the room, fuse Kinstones with Melari himself here.  Leave the room and head 
right into the next room to fuse again.  Head up and fuse with the Minish 
beside the door.  There's one more to fuse with, he's hammering on the wall at 
the top.  After that leave through the top entrance and return your size to 
normal.  Use the Ocarina of Wind and warp to Mt. Crenel, just so you're on the 
other side again.  Jump down then climb down the ladder, head all the way to 
the right and climb up the wall to reach the dojo.  Fuse Kinstones with 
Grayblade here.  Leave the dojo and climb down two walls to the bottom of Mt. 
Crenel, but not the base.  Head left to encounter a super difficult spider 
enemy who drops a lot of Rupees.  Make your way to the far left side and climb 
the ladder, then begin climbing the mountain.  On your way up note the large 
platform in the middle with the chest on it.  Break the rock with your sword 
and open the chest for a KINSTONE PIECE [BLUE].  Keep climbing until you reach 
the top and then climb the beanstalk to find a huge number fo Rupees and a 
PIECE OF HEART as well.  Grab the mushroom on the right side and pull yourself 
back, then launch over the cliff.  Shrink yourself down to Minish size and 
enter the small Minish area with the raindrops, along the way you'll find a 
chest containing KINSTONE PIECE [BLUE].  Leave this area and return to normal 
size, then use the Ocarina of Wind to warp yourself to the Castor Wilds.  

Run up and up and up to the vine, then climb it and cross the northeast 
bridge, then the southeast bridge.  Descend down the vine and destroy the 
statue here with your Bow.  Run straight up and through the water to reach a 
cave.  Push the upper  right block left, the one two below it left, and then 
the one in between them up.  You'll be able to get the PIECE OF HEART.  Leave 
the cave and go into the waterfall beside it, this is Scarblade's dojo.  He 
teaches you how to unleash your Spin Attack even faster.  Leave the dojo and 
use your Ocarina of Wind, warp yourself back to the Minish Forest.  Head 
directly left for a chest with a KINSTONE PIECE [BLUE] inside of it.  Next 
it's time to warp to Lake Hylia.  Jump off the platform at the top and run all 
the way up to find a house.  Enter the house and use your Cane of Pacci to 
flip the urn upside down and shrink yourself.  Speak to the dog and then fuse 
Kinstones with it.  Leave the house and use your Ocarina to return to Hyrule.

Enter mana's cafe and shrink yourself, climb the ladder and go thorugh the 
door up to the rafters.  Run across to the building next door and go down the 
ladder to reach the back counter area.  Return to normal size and examine the 
bottle on the table, the shopkeeper says you can have it if you feed his dog.  
Take the bottle, leave this whole area and use the Ocarina of Wind to get back 
to Lake Hylia.  Head north to the house and examine the dog's food dish to 
acquire EMPTY BOTTLE.  Leave the house and jump into the water beside it, dive 
underwater to get a PIECE OF HEART.  Head right and go down the ladder.  Fuse 
Kinstones with the thing on your left.  Step into the water and swim right, 
then down and left to reach a cave which you can dig open with your Mole 
Mitts.  There's just a chest in here with 50 RUPEES.  Leave the cave and swim 
directly down to find another PIECE OF HEART.  Head to the lwoer right and 
jump onto the stump to shrink yourself.  Head down and ride the lilly pad to 
the bottom where you'll find a chest with KINSTONE PIECE [BLUE] inside.  Leave 
this area and don't return to normal size, instead jump into the water and 
swim north, staying along the east wall.  Climb the vine you reach and drop 
down to a Minish house, fuse Kinstones with the Forest Minish here.  Leave 
this house and keep swimming up as Minish to the top right where you'll find a 
water cave leading to a chest with KINSTONE PIECE [RED] inside.  

Return to the mayor's cabin at the lower right but stay small, just left of 
the front door and down is a small Minish sized hole, go through it and swim 
back into Minish Woods.  Swim around to the right and up to reach a cave.  
Make your way through the cave along the icy paths to reach a chest with 
KINSTONE PIECE [RED] inside.  Leave the cave and return to the stump behind 
the mayor's house, get back to normal size again.  Head left of his front foor 
and up the stairs, then down the ladder.  Dig down to the lower left corner 
where you'll find a chest with KINSTONE PIECE [BLUE] inside it.  After that 
don't leave, dig to the very upper right corner.  You'll notice a button on 
the wall.  Press the L button and fuse Kinstones with it, this will give an 
extra Goron to help him break that wall inside the cave.  Back once again to 
the Mayor's Cabin in Lake Hylia.  As big Link, jump into the water and swim 
west to reach some stairs going up, at the top you'll find a tree with a door 
in it.  Go inside to find Waveblade's dojo.  Speak to him to learn the Peril 
Beam and get the TIGER SCROLL for it.  Grab the PIECE OF HEART and then use 
your Ocarina to return to town and then from there head to North Hyrule Field.

Start by heading up, ignore the trees with doors in them for now, make a right 
and head to the edge of the ledge, use your sword to cut down everything here 
and break the rock to reveal a crack underneath it.  Return to the south 
entrance and equip the Pegasus Boots, then head right.  Use them on the 
sparkling tree to create a stump then shrink to Minish size.  Climb the vine 
on your right and drop down the crack, fuse Kinstones with the Forest Minish 
in here.  Leave this place and run, at normal size, to the upper left corner 
of this area.  Drop into the water and swim straight up onto the next map 
where you'll find a chest with 200 RUPEES.  Go back down, left and up again to 
find another chest with 100 MYSTERIOUS SHELLS.  Return to the previous map and 
head for the middle.  There should be four trees here with doors in them.  
Enter the upper left one and open the chest for a KINSTONE PIECE [RED], then 
step on the button to light the torch.  Enter the upper right one for a 
KINSTONE PIECE [RED] and then step on the button to ignite the torch.  Enter 
the lower right one for 200 MYSTERIOUS SHELLS and then step on the button to 
ignite the torch.  Enter the lower left one for a KINSTONE PIECE [RED] and 
then step on the button to ignite the torch.  Leave this one and then descend 
the ladder in the middle, open the chest to acquire the MAGICAL BOOMERANG.  

Head up to the Hyrule Castle Garden, there shouldn't be any guards on the 
right side.  Head over to the right side and descend the stairs at the top for 
a PIECE OF HEART.  Head for the lower right hand corner and cut down all the 
grass to reveal a ladder, descend the ladder to find Grimblade's dojo.  You 
can't train with him at the moment but you can acquire the PIECE OF HEART in 
the corner.  Climb back up and break the nearby tree with your Pegasus Boots.  
Shrink down to Minish size and go through the hole at the upper right corner, 
then drop down the crack.  Fuse Kinstones with this little Forest Minish.

Use your Ocarina of Wind now to warp to the Castor Wilds.  Head left to the 
bottom left corner and down to the Wind Ruins.  Keep going down until you 
reach a stump at which point you should shrink and drop down the crack, fuse 
Kinstones with the Forest Minish down here.  Head right to reach the next 
screen and open the chest for 200 MYSTERIOUS SHELLS.  After this head up two 
screens and climb the beanstalk for a LARGE QUIVER.  Now equip the Ocarina of 
Wind and fly to the Castor Wilds.  Head right, up, right, up, right to reach 
the Western Wood and from there run all the way to the south end.  Take the 
upper right path leading up, this should be there you saw the pile of logs 
turn into a tree and open a path.  There's nothing back there, but equip your 
Mole Mitts and dig up the ground to get a hell of a lot of Rupees.  Equip the 
Ocarina of Wind and fly to Mt. Crenel.  Jump down and run to the far right 
side and begin climbing down to the base.  Note on your map the location of 
the icon and make your way to the small Minish area where you collected the 
green mineral water, a chest has shown up there with KINSTONE PIECE [BLUE].  
Now believe it or not, I think that about covers it.  It's time to return to 
the actual game!  That's right.  Be sure to save for god's sake!

      (, /
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+-- (_/ EMPLE OF DROPLETS ------------------------------------------ 01.14 --+

This particular dungeon is located in Lake Hylia.  Warp there using your 
Ocarina of Wind and head into the water on the right side.  Swim down around 
the lake, to the left and up to find a kind of icy platform with a crack in 
it.  When you go to transform you'll enter the dungeon automatically.  Descend 
the stairs below you and go in either direction, head through the door at the 
top.  Enter the room on the right and go downstairs.  There is a lever here, 
push it to the left so the sun shines through and then head back upstairs once 
again.  Drop down the hole and notice the key frozen in the block of ice.  
Push it down and then right to get a SMALL KEY.  Return to the previous floor 
and go all the way left to reach the locked door.  Proceed through it and drop 
down the hole.  You'll find three blocks on the right side.  The bottom block 
has to be moved down, then left and the upper block has to be moved just left.  
Now push the middle block left, up, left, down, left, up, right.  Grab the BIG 
KEY which pops out of the block.  Climb the stairs above you and return to the 
dungeon entrance.  Use the Big Key on the door below where you came in.

Head to the lower left and go thorugh the door.  At the very bottom of this 
path is a large chest with the DUNGEON MAP inside.  Run up from here and jump 
in the water, press the B button to go underwater and get below the rolling 
spike log.  Make your way left to the next area and climb the ladder below 
you.  Jump into the water again and swim right, then down to the bottom.  
Equip your Gust Jar and use it to get hold of the mushroom and launch yourself 
to the other side.  Step on the button then jump in the water and fall down 
the waterfall.  Swim down, using the B button dive to get under the log, and 
head left at the bottom.  Read the tablet here and think about that for a 
second.  Step on the button and swim right to the next screen.  "The way 
forward is hidden at the bottom of the pot."  That's what you'll need to be 
thinking about now.  If you can't figure it out then simply dive underwater 
and get the SMALL KEY from inside the pot shaped outline.  Backtrack until you 
pass a locked door, get up on land and open it up.  Proceed through the door.

Equip your Gust Jar and step on the button.  Suck the water lilly toward you 
and get on, now propel yourself upward.  Bring that thing all the way around 
with you, back right then down and over the waterfall.  Begin to propel it 
down at the bottom but jump off and dive right before you get creamed by the 
spike log, you can just get right back on from the water.  Bring it to the 
right and past the pot shaped walls, step off of it onto the button.  Step on 
the lilly pad again and head right, you'll have to fight another of those 
caterpillar minibosses but it should be a lot easier now that you have a more 
powerful sword and a lot more hearts.  Go up through the door and open the 
large chest to acquire the COMPASS.  Return to the fork on your lilly pad and 
go up, step on the button to lower the wall and keep going along in the water.

Eventually on your way up you'll be stopped by another wall, get off on the 
icy platform on your right.  Head up to the top and open the chest to get 50 
RUPEES.  Now pay close attention.  Push the highest block down.  Now push the 
furthest right block left, then down, then left, then up.  Get back on the 
lilly pad and ride it up, and still up at the fork, all the way around to the 
door leading east.  Move carefully in the dark room, stay close to the wall 
and just keep going up to the door.  Climb the ladder and then ascend the 
stairs to find another miniboss, three of those damn pincer beetle things.  
After defeating them head down through the door below you and head left along 
the walkway.  Create a clone of yourself using the glowing panels below and 
then have both of you push the large lever to the left and bring a good deal 
of sunlight into the room. You are now part way there, drop down off the edge.

Take the now-open lower right door this time.  It leads to a chest with 
KINSTONE PIECE [BLUE] inside.  On your way down, stick to the left and you'll 
find another chest with a KINSTONE PIECE [BLUE] in it.  Continue down and wait 
for an opening, then go left and follow the icy path to the door.  Head up and 
go down the stairs, then down again.  Push the lever here up.  Now head back 
upstairs and run down to pull this lever.  Once again go back downstairs and 
turn the lever to melt the ice and reveal the chest, it contains SMALL KEY.  
Ascend up to the third floor again and head to the bottom, use the key on the 
locked door here.  Push the switch in this room left to trigger a fight.

This boss is totally identical to the first boss of the first dungeon with one 
notable exception, he has an aura of electricity surrounding him which makes 
him not only immune to the power of the Gust Jar temporarily, but also 
increases his hit radius.  Stay away while the electricity is present then go 
in with the Gust Jar, it should take three knock-down-and-attacks to eliminate 
the boss.  Once you do a large chest falls down containing the FLAME LANTERN.  

Equip the lantern and leave the room, use it to melt the ice on your left.  
Descend the stairs and melt the ice chest to acquire 100 RUPEES.  In the next 
room on your right you have to defeat those pincer beetles again, make sure 
you have the Flame Lantern on for the battle.  In the next room you'll have to 
pat close attention to get through it.  Take the bottom path right and light 
the torch.  Now go back and take the path above it to the right and up.  When 
you reach a fork, head left and immediately down, open the chest containing 
KINSTONE PIECE [RED] and return tothe fork.  Go right this time.  Light the 
torch to make the block disappear and head up.  You have your choice of two 
paths going down, take the one on the left and go left at the fork.  Place a 
bomb on the cracked wall here and proceed through to the secret room.

When you defeat all of the enemies in this room you will get a SMALL KEY.  
Leave this room then head right, up and up the path until you reach a chest 
with KINSTONE PIECE [RED] inside and a torch nearby.  Return to the most 
recent path fork and go left and up.  At the very top of the room take the 
path going down and left then open the chest for a KINSTONE PIECE [RED].  
Light the torch and head for the door, use your key to open it.  Make your way 
through this room and the next room to finally reach an illuminated room once 
again.  Follow the path through the door on the left side.  Create a clone 
above or below you and push the top block left until it stops.  Next create a 
clone beside you and push the other block down over the glowing panels.  With 
the clone still beside you push the third block down one panel and NO further.  
Use the glowing panels below it to create a clone above or below you and push 
the first block back to the right, now you can go through the door.

This room is extremely difficult but here's what you have to do.  First of 
all, use your lantern to melt the first block, it's useless.  For the second 
block, push it down and then left so it's on the bottom button.  Return to the 
entrance and note the glowing panels.  You want to charge your sword and then 
step on the very top one.  After that get in the middle row and go right, so 
you're between the two sets of panels, then step on the one below you, 
basically so that there are exactly two panels between you and your clone.  
The reason for this is clear, you have to begin by moving right with the large 
blocks between you.  When you come to the first stone in the way, go down one 
row, and then up one row at the next stone and make a mad dash for the left 
side to hit the two buttons, since the ice block is one the third then that's 
all three and the door opens.  To get out of the next room the puzzle is 
significantly easier, simply push the upper right block... up.

In this room, melt the ice block and then create a clone either above or below 
you.  Use his help to push the big block to the right and then head down for 
the door.  Quickly light all nine of the torches in this room before the first 
one burns out, that is your goal, and it's none too easy.  Basically in the 
room after this all you have to do is avoid the rolling logs and kill the 
pincer beetles.  To kill them quickly, simply knock them into the deeper 
water.  Defeat the enemies and then step on the button in the next room to 
make a portal.  Bomb the wall at the top and a hole appears.  Defeat the two 
centipedes squirming around in this room to open the door.  It's just a couple 
of linear paths to a staircase leading up.  Once you reach the lever createa  
clone of yourself and push it to the left.  This will melt the ice enough to 
reveal the element.  Unfortunately you have to go and chase after it...

Begin the battle by running to either the boss' left or the boss' right.  Your 
goal is to face it and swing your sword in order to deflect the projectiles 
back at him.  If they manage to get loose they bounce around and leave little 
mines o nthe ground which you can destory using your sword.  After three hits 
with his own large rock, the boss covers everything in ice and begins to spin 
around, trying to either suck you in or freeze your with its breath, basically 
all you have to keep in mind is to stay away from its mouth.  Equip the Flame 
Lantern and then what you have to do is set his tail on fire simply by running 
into it with the lantern on.  Since he keeps spinning with you, what you want 
to do is always try moving in the opposite direction the boss is moving, 
eventually you'll be fast enough to set his tail on fire.  After the first hit 
the boss will alternate between trying to suck you in and firing rocks, so you 
have to be ready at all times to turn around and roll to try and avoid being 
sucked in.  Another three rocks and another tail fire and the boss is almost 
dead.  After two hits the boss changes quite a bit, he develops a new attack 
where he races toward you, hits the wlal and drops boulders from above.  He 
also shoots out a dark smoke which blackens the room, during that time he ONLY 
does the charge up running attack, you'll need your lantern on at that point.  
Fortunately though, you only have to deflect three rocks at him to kill him, 
you do not need to set his tail on fire a third time.  Pick up the WATER 
ELEMENT afer defeating the boss and then the HEART CONTAINER before going 
through the portal.  Use the Ocarina of Wind and return to Hyrule Town.

+-- (_____) LEMENTAL SANCTUARY ------------------------------------- 01.15 --+

The first thing you may notice is that the school is finally open.  Head 
inside and flip the urn to shrink yourself.  Take the lower right exit out of 
the schoolroom and head up to the flower path, there's a chest on it you can 
get containing KINSTONE PIECE [RED].  Return to the schoolroom still Minish 
sized and take the lower left exit.  Climb the stairs to reach the roof and 
return to normal size.  Open the chest to get a KINSTONE PIECE [RED] then 
shrink again.  Leave the school and enter the large building on the right side 
of town.  Climb the ladder and equip your Flame Lantern.  Light the two 
torches to open the door and go outside to get the KINSTONE PIECE [RED] (just 
for the record, yes, I'm sick of them too.)  Head upstairs in the library and 
shrink yourself down.  Climb down the stairs on the side fo the building and 
get into the water on the left, then up into the cave.  When you reach a fork 
go left to find a chest you can melt to get 100 MYSTERIOUS SHELLS.  Now leave 
town via the north exit and head up to the Hyrule Castle Garden.

Return to Grimblade's dojo down the ladder o nthe right side.  Light the 
torches in his dojo and then speak to him.  He teaches you the Sword Beam and 
gives you the TIGER SCROLL for it.  Leave the dojo and head to the left side 
of the garden.  If the guards catch you they throw you out, however they have 
their backs turned much of the time.  When you get to the other end go down 
the stairs and catch some of those faeries in your two bottles.  Once you've 
got them leave, and cut the grass on your left, it will reveal a ladder to 
climb down.  Step on the button at the end of the hall and enter Hyrule 
Castle.  Make your way up into the Elemental Sanctuary and place your sword 
into the pedestal.  After learning to split into three copies it's time to 
leave the castle.  Return to the North Hyrule Field upp left corner.

Descend down the ladder here and create two clones either above or below you.  
Use them to push the large rock to the left.  On the other side climb the 
ladder and ope nthe chest above you to get 200 MYSTERIOUS SHELLS.  Now it's 
time to enter the Royal Valley which you'll find directly to the west.

      (, /   )
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+-- (_/       OYAL VALLEY ------------------------------------------ 01.16 --+

Directly down the first set of stairs on your right is an area of wall between 
two fence posts which can be blown up with a bomb.  Enter it to find the 
adventurer's spring.  Answer all of her questions correctly (the answers are 
no, no, yes, no and no) to get a LARGE QUIVER.  Now leave the cave and follow 
the path to a fork, at which point you need to go up.  Now this is where it 
tries to screw you over, you can follow the signs or simply follow these 
directions: up, left, left, up, right, up.  On the next screen, which should 
be the graveyard, head to the far right side and speak to the guy in the house 
to acquire the GRAVEYARD KEY.  When you leave the house a crow steals you key, 
dammit.  This is one of the only times in the entire game to take off your 
sword, put the Pegasus Boots on over top of it and slam into the tree where 
the crow is.  You have to run from a distance, getting too close causes the 
crow to fly away.  Once you have the key approach the gate and speak to guy 
next to it.  The tombstone directly north from the gate can be pushed up.  
Next push the one at the upper left corner and go downstairs.  Clone yourself 
into three and push te big block to the left to get a PIECE OF HEART.  
Approach the ghost at the lower left corner of the graveyard and fuse 
Kinstones with him.  Now head for the right side and break all the rocks to 
reveal three glowing panels.  Create two clones and step on the buttons in the 
upper middle area to reveal the entrance to the Royal Crypt.

      (, /   )
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     ) /   \_
+-- (_/       OYAL CRYPT ------------------------------------------- 01.17 --+

Eliminate the two enemies at the very beginning to get a SMALL KEY.  Enter the 
next room and grab hold of the mushroom on the far left to launch yourself 
across.  The doors on the left and right are fake, so use your key on the one 
in the middle.  In this next room head right and down.  Step on the cloning 
platforms and move up, being careful of that moving death object.  Step on the 
buttons at the top and grab the SMALL KEY.  Next head over to the left side of 
the roomand step on the glowing panels.  Create your clones just as the moving 
platforms come down and get on.  Move left and right as necessary to avoid 
being hit and at the top step on all three buttons to reveal a SMALL KEY.  
Return to the middle and use both keys on the blocks which are in your way.  
Go downstairs and head up to a room with four torches.  Light all four of them 
to reveal the minibosses, two of those mummies, which aren't too difficult to 
defeat.  Approach the tablet to meet King Gustaf.  He gives you the KINSTONE 
PIECE [GOLD] to help you on your quest to save Zelda.  Now that you're out of 
that place, use your Ocarina of Wind to return to Hyrule Town and save.  

     __    __)
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+----- | EIL FALLS ------------------------------------------------- 01.18 --+

Head for North Hyrule Field and take the northeast exit to reach t Veil Falls.  
Drop down over the edge and grab the PIECE OF HEART here.  Get out of the 
water and go up, fuse your Gold Kinstone with the door and enter the cave.  
Equip the lantern and head for the stairs leading up.  At the top, equip your 
bombs and bomb the wall on the upper right between the stones, through it you 
will find a chest with 50 MYSTERIOUS SHELLS.  Climb the stairs to the top and 
split into three, push the large block down and go out to find a chest 
containing 100 MYSTERIOUS SHELLS.  Return back down a couple of floors and 
head south to get outside.  Ascend the wlal on your right and examine the 
stone on you left to reveal a Wind Crest.  Enter the cave above you and equip 
your bombs, bomb the cracked wall on the right to reveal a secret room with a 
chest inside contianing 50 MYSTERIOUS SHELLS.  Leave the room and take the 
stairs leading up to find another chest with 100 RUPEES.  Now take the lower 
right exit. Ascend the ladder to reach Veil Springs and jump into the tornado.

     )   ___     
+-- (______) LOUD TOPS --------------------------------------------- 01.19 --+

Begin by fusing Kinstones with the person on the left as well as the person on 
the right.  Step into the whirling red wind on the right side to launch 
yourself up.  Open the chest here to get KINSTONE PIECE [GOLD].  Drop down the 
hole on the right, head up and jump into the red tornado.  Equip your Mole 
Mitts and dig through the cloudy stuff to reach another hole.  When you drop 
down fuse Kinstones with the cloud here using your gold one.  One of the 
pinsheels activates.  Now head back up and jump down onto the whirlwind below 
you.  Float left to another whirlwind and then up from that one.  Drop down 
the hole and deefat the two enemies here to make a KINSTONE PIECE [GOLD] 
appear, then head back up.  Use your Mole Mitts on the cloudy stuff on your 
left, then go down and jump into the next whirlwind.  Float west from here and 
open the chest to acquire KINSTONE PIECE [GOLD].  Above it there are two more 
chests containing 50 MYSTERIOUS SHELLS and 50 MYSTERIOUS SHELLS.  

Jump into the whirlwind and float down while sticking to the left until you 
reach another platform.  Equip either your Magical Boomerang or Bow and drop 
down the hole, defeat the enemy here with either of them and then fuse with 
the cloud to activate another pinwheel.  Head down and jump into the red 
tornado.  Get in the whirlwind and glide down toward the bottom, on the lef 
tside you'll find a chest with 50 MYSTERIOUS SHELLS inside it and a hole next 
to it.  Drop down the hole and kill the cloud guy, then fuse Kinstones with 
the cloud above him.  Ascend up using the whirlwind beside you and open the 
chest for a KINSTONE PIECE [GOLD].  Drop down and then head down, there are 
two red whirlwinds at the bottom, take the one on the right and drop down the 
hole beside it afterward.  Eliminate the two cloud sharks here to make a 
KINSTONE PIECE [GOLD] appear and a red whirlwind beside it.  Take the red 
whirlwind up to reach a chest with 50 MYSTERIOUS SHELLS in it.  

Jump into the normal whirlwind below you.  Float directly down and dig into 
the wall on the right where you'll find a hole, somewhat smaller than the 
others.  Drop down and take the red whirlwind to get up again.  Run upward and 
drop down the large hole, fuse Kinstones with the mysterious cloud, that's 
four out of five now.  Head back up and jump into the whirlwind above you.  
Float left and up to the next ledge, then dig through to the whirlwind, float 
up, right and down to reach a hole.  Drop down it and you'll realize this is  
the one from the beginning.  Fuse Kinstones with the Mysterious Cloud here to 
activate all the pinwheels.  Now jump into the gigantic tornado.

Head up and examine the stone to reveal another Wind Crest.  Enter the large 
building and climb up to the second floor.  Speak with the old man assuming 
you helped him with his ghost problem and he'll give you the LIGHT ARROW.  
Fuse Kinstones with the woman beside him.  Open the three chests on the third 
[RED].  Fuse Kinstones with the fat thing on this floor as well.  There are 
two chests on the third floor with KINSTONE PIECE [RED] and KINSTONE PIECE 
[RED].  Fuse Kinstones with the elder after that and then speak with him.  He 
explains that the Wind Element is actually in the Palace fo Winds now.  He 
gives you permission to enter, speak to the person in front of the door and 
then climb the stairs to the roof.  Jump into the tornado to reach it.  

       (, /   )
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     ) /
+-- (_/ ALACE OF WINDS --------------------------------------------- 01.20 --+

Head left and then up to reach the next room, you'll find a red orb here, 
strike it with your sword to make the bridge come down.  Keep striking the 
orbs to keep the brdiges extended as you move along.  When you come to three 
blocks in the way of an orb, push the middle one up and one of the other two 
either right or left.  At the next area you have to equip the Magical 
Boomerang or some other projectile weapon and fire it to the right to hit the 
orb across on the other side.  Now create two clones horizontally and cross 
the bridge.  Push the large block up and proceed to the next room.

Wait until the large moving platform comes down toward you and get one.  Be 
careful of the enemies you face, they explode and damage you when you strike 
them.  Step off the platform at the top and head left.  Climb the stairs here 
and walk along the mesh to reach the next area.  Fire your Boomerang downward 
to hit the orb and then cross the bridge south.  There is an orb here, make 
sure the bridge to the right is extended toward you and then set a bomb on the 
orb.  Quickly cross the bridge to the left and then when the bomb explodes, 
you'll be ready to cross the one above you.  When you get here it's time to 
fight a miniboss.  Tons and tons of those damn wizards which are so easy to 
kill simply by standing in front of them and swinging your sword.  After doing 
so a large chest appears containing the ROC'S CAPE.  This special cape allows 
you to jump and double jump and practically fly.  Jump back to the entrance of 
this room and head right back to the previous area.  At the top you can jump 
on the little gate thing in the floor and flip through to reach a chest 
containing KINSTONE PIECE [RED].  Head back to the left room and then hop up 
onto the cloud.  Keep double jumping straight up to burst through each cloud.

Head right and jump across to reach the next area.  Push the first block up, 
the second block up and the third block up.  Now push the block on your right 
to the right.  What you have to do here is create two clones using the bottom 
three glowing panels.  Move down and position your three characters exactly 
between the four button and swing you sword so that even with only three 
characters, all four buttons are hit.  This will trigger a fight with a couple 
enemies, if you remember correctly you'll know to equip your shielf for this 
battle and flip them over.  After the enemies are defeated go through the door 
on your right and be careful of those fans.  Moveup when they aren't blowing, 
you'll be safe i nthe holes as well.  Jump to the other side at the top and be 
equally careful when going down.  At the bottom roll quickly to get into the 
hole on the left, then when the fans stop jump out and use your Cane of Pacci 
to pop up to the ledge on the left.  Now coninue left to the next area.  

Jump on the square floor panel to flip it around and up into the next one to 
get back on top.  For the oe after that you have to wait until the moving 
platform is direclty below you.  At the end start jumping up the clouds to the 
next floor up.  Standon the glowing panels and charge your sword.  When it's 
fully charged, step from the panel you are standing on to the one above you or 
below you, but not the last one.  Wait until the moving platform comes and 
then stand on the last platform so your clones are set vertically.  Step onto 
the platform and stand with your clones on the far right side.  When it stops 
gets off and run up the stairs on your left, use the clones to help push the 
large block and head down into the next room.  Push the three blocks on the 
right side down and get on the moving platform.  Jump immediately to the 
platform on your left, then back right, then left, then right, then down.  
You'll be set at that point.  Continue right to reach the next room.

What you have to do here is keep jumping up and down through the gates in the 
floor to avoid being on the moving platform when it reaches an obstacle.  
Basically just switch every time you have the chance and you'll be fine.  In 
the next room jump down through the gate and equip your Cane of Pacci.  Use it 
on the far right hole at the top and jump up to the ledge.  To activate the 
buttons here what you need to do is charge your sword then stand on the upper 
left panel, the lower left panel, and on the panel directly right of the lower 
left panel.  When your swords spin you should hit all the buttons and create a 
platform.  Shrink yourself down and head through the hole below.  Push the 
first pot down off the cliff.  Now stand underneath the vertical bar of blocks 
and do exactly this, every move I say to make takes exactly one normal sized 
panel, if I say left and there's a pot in the way, it means move the pot left.  
You might as well pretend the pots aren't even there.  Go left, up, up, left, 
up, left, left, up, left, down, left, down, left, up, left and left.  This 
should take you to the hole.  Now proceed through it.  Keep making your way up 
through the Minish hole at the top and step onto the platform in the next room 
to return to normal size.  Throw your Magical Boomerang or fire an arrow at 
the button on the screen below the platform to make a SMALL KEY appear and 
unlock the door.  Return to the rolling log and use your Small Key on the door 
there, then outside begin to jump up the clouds to the next floor.

Take the upper left exit and cross the bridge while avoiding the fans.  Push 
the upper middle block left, and the middle right block right.  Contine down 
to the fan, wait for it to almost begin blowing and double jump to the left, 
it will send you across.  The enemies in the next area will attack, but 
there's no reason to do anything, just keep jumping to reach the top.  In this 
area, jump to the top cloud and then jump as far as you can to the right to 
get over the gap.  Head down and across the bridge to reach a chest with 
KINSTONE PIECE [BLUE] inside.  Head back to the second cloud tower and jump 
right, then finally jump up the third one to reach the next floor.

Enter the room below you and prepare to fight a new enemy.  What you have to 
do to defeat these guys is standin front of them so they throw their huge 
chain ball at you, then run quickly and attack while they aren't spinning it.  
Defeating them both will net you a SMALL KEY.  Use the key on the door at the 
top left side of this room.  Continue left from the next room.  Push one of 
the pots from the lower left corner up onto a switch, then create three of 
yourself and step on the remaining three.  In the next room step on the button 
and then use the fan to jump and launch yourself downward.  Defeat the enemies 
which appear at the bottom and head to the right, there's another button to 
step on.  Jump across once again and push the block on the left side to open 
the chest for SMALL KEY.  Push the block on the right aside, then the other 
one above it up to get out.  Use the Small Key on the door above you.  Open 
the chest here to get the BIG KEY.  Return to the room on the right and go 
down, use the Big Key to unlock the large door at the bottom and head through.

Drop down the edge where the arrow is pointing and prepare for a miniboss.  
There are two ways to beat him, you can drop bombs all over the place, or you 
can charge your sword and wait until he attacks, then let loose on his side or 
his back.  Either way it will make a blue portal and bridge appear.  Cross the 
bridge into the door and head right, then up the stairs to find a large chest 
with a COMPASS inside.  Now head to the left side and climb the stairs.  Head 
up to the next room and right to the room after that.  Drop down the hole in 
the middle and open the chest on the floor below to acquire SMALL KEY.  Climb 
the stairs on the left again to reach the upper floor.  Head down into the 
room below you.  Eliminate the enemies and then break the skulls to reveal 
glowing floor panels.  Step on the far left, far right, and middle ones so you 
can move between the pillars and slash the buttons quickly before the ground 
breaks.  Head through the door to the right and jump over the rolling spike 
logs.  At the top you'll find a chest with a SMALL KEY in it.  Follow the path 
right and drop down,  use one of the keys on the upper right door.

Jump into the whirlwind below you and glide to the upper right exit.  Follow 
the path up to reach two buttons, you can hit them both simultaneously by 
using the Spin Attack.  Return back down to the previous room and ascend the 
stairs.  Head left and drop down, defeat the enemies and open the chest for a 
KINSTONE PIECE [RED].  Take the right door and follow the path up to the next 
room and defeat the easy miniboss to find a large chest with the DUNGEON MAP 
inside.  Head left and defeat the hands, then pull the switch and continue 
down.  Climb the stairs to the next floor, go left and up.  push the blocks 
off the edge and jump to reach the door, this path leads up to the PIECE OF 
HEART you passed earlier.  Drop down and then climb the stairs again, this 
time go right.  Notice the blocks which are cracked on the right side?  What 
you have to do is fire an arrow at the exploding enemy while he's beside them 
and then you can jump across.  Head up on the other side and drop a bomb, then 
throw it over to the switch.  When it explodes the door opens so you can jump 
back across and get that chest containing 200 RUPEES.  Jump across again.

Equip your Flame Lantern and run to the upper right, set the two torches 
abalze to create a red portal.  Use your Small Key on the door below you to 
access a staircase.  There's a cracked wall on the right side here, break it 
open and then head through.  In this next area note the wall at the upper 
right can be blown open, but it only looks cracked on the other side (if you 
return to the previous room and go up you'll see where.)  Place a bomb on the 
cracked blocks and go thorugh to the door.  You cannot touch any of the 
enemies in this room.  Make your way around them and push the block up between 
the two at the end, then the one beside it left and go through the door.  Open 
the chest to acquire a SMALL KEY.  Head back through the previous room and 
step on those nine broken 3x3 panels, drop down through any of them.  Begin by 
heading immediately right in this room and pushing the block aside below the 
chest to get KINSTONE PIECE [BLUE].  Now make your way around, your 
destination is the lower right corner.  Be sure to destroy all the skulls on 
the ground along the way, one of them hides a fairy.  When you reach the 
skulls at the lower right corner, break them to find special tiles.  Push the 
blocks to the right of these tiles off the edge then jump across to reach the 
stack of clouds and begin to jump up.  Now enter the large tornado.

This boss is rather odd and even somewhat difficult, but knowing what to do 
should help you be able to defeat it without too much hassle.  The battle 
begins on the large boss, what happens is certain eyes open and there are four 
glowing panels for you.  You have to create clones in the same positions as 
the eyes and hit all the eyes at once, at that point the boss becomes 
vulnerable for you to just keep attacking.  Once you've damaged it enough the 
blue one will fly by, you have to jump on top of it.  The blue one has only 
one eye, the eye opns for a second and you have to try and hit it.  After the 
eye closes the tail swings around, press the button to jump over the tail.  
The easiest way to hit the single eye is to do a charge up attack and let go 
when the eye opens, so it will hit no matter where the eye is.  Next you will 
be back on the larger one, do the same thing except this time you need to 
watch out for projectiles coming from the blue enemy.  After you have hurt the 
large boss enough, jump back on the blue one.  Now instead of swinging its 
tail the boss sends a whole bunch of green things at you which can be defeated 
with your sword if need be.  Do the same thing, simply hit the eye.  Finally 
it's time to jump on the large boss one last time.  Now you'll have to deal 
with lots of those green things coming at you.  Don't worry too much, just go 
on the offensive and keep that sword swinging, the boss will go down in no 
time.  For defeating the boss you get the WIND ELEMENT.  Also don't forget to 
pick up the HEART CONTAINER.  Take the warp portal and enter the elder's house 
again, you should be able to fuse Kinstones with him a second time.  Also go 
down and fuse Kinstones with Flurris a second time.  Take the warp portal at 
the bottom of the house and head north to reach Hyrule Town again.

+-- (_____) LEMENTAL SANCTUARY ------------------------------------- 01.21 --+

Enter the dojo and speak with Swiftblade, now that you have the Roc's Cape you 
can learn the Downward Thrust, you'll also get the TIGER SCROLL for it.  Use 
your Ocarina of Wind and warp to the Castor Wilds.  At the top there should be 
one of those golden snakes to defeat.  Your main destination is the tombstone 
on the elft side, that is the final dojo, you must have learned all seven 
other moves before going there.  Head inside and speak with the master to 
learn the ultimate sword spinning attack and get the TIGER SCROLL for it.  Now 
leave here and warp tp Lake Hylia.  Head up, past the house and down.  Now 
that you have the Roc's Cape you can jump to the platform with the PIECE OF 
HEART on it.  Keep jumping up to reach the cave and dig into it with your Mole 
Mitts.  Head left from the entrance and go down, you'll find three chests in 
this room containing KINSTONE PIECE [RED], KINSTONE PIECE [BLUE] and 50 
MYSTERIOUS SHELLS.  Enter the room on the left and defeat the enemy, then dig 
away the wall above you to reveal a panel on the wall.  Fuse Kinstones with 
it.  Return to the entrance and go left, then up this time.  At the fork head 
down and exit the cave to find a PIECE OF HEART.  Re-enter the cave and go up, 
you'll pass three chests in this hall containing KINSTONE PIECE [BLUE], 
KINSTONE PIECE [RED] and 50 MYSTERIOUS SHELLS.  Return to the entrance and 
head right where you'll find a chest with KINSTONE PIECE [RED] inside then 
climb the ladder.  Descend the next ladder and go up the one after that, there 
are two chests here containing 200 RUPEES and 200 MYSTERIOUS SHELLS.  Be sure 
to get the PIECE OF HEART as well.  Climb down and warp to Veil Falls.

Defeat the enemy jumping around here and open the chest to get a KINSTONE 
PIECE [BLUE].  Drop down over the left edge where the Wind Crest is and go 
into the waterfall cave to find a PIECE OF HEART.  Now warp to Hyrule Town and 
make your way to the graveyard in the Royal Valley, it's a bit of a trip.  At 
the section where you have to choose the correct direction to go, head left, 
left, left, up, up, up, up, to find a chest with 200 MYSTERIOUS SHELLS and the 
graveyard above it.  When you arrive in the graveyard, fuse Kinstones with 
Spookter and then open both chests at the top for KINSTONE PIECE [RED] and 
KINSTONE PIECE [RED].  Enter Dampe's house and fuse Kinstones with him as well 
while you're here.  Leave the house and enter it a second time, fuse Kinstones 
with him again.  Leave his house and go down the stairs at the upper right, 
open the chest for 100 MYSTERIOUS SHELLS and then fuse Kinstones with the 
ghost here.  Leave and come back to fuse Kinstones a second time.  

Now use the Ocarina of Wind and head for Minish Woods.  Enter the village from 
the back and fuse Kinstones with the elder.  Leave the village through the 
elder's house and enter the small mushroom house.  Speak to the Minish guy 
here to get the REMOTE BOMBS.  These will explode when you press the button 
instead of on a timer.  Use your Ocarina of Wind to warp back to Hyrule Town.  
Fuse Kinstones with Nayru, Farore, and Din, the three coloured haired girls 
for whom you tried to find homes (and shafted the third one, who never gets a 
home).  Three butterflies appear in the Castor Wilds, Royal Valley and Wind 
Ruins.  You are free to go and catch them whenever you wish, catching them all 
increases your arrow shooting ability, digging ability and swimming ability.  
Head to the centre of town and go left to the water and then up, there is a 
cave in the waterfall leading to 200 MYSTERIOUS SHELLS.  The time has come to 
return home, fuse Kinstones with Smith, your grandfather.  Make your way to 
the Eastern Hills and head to the lower left corner, shrink yourself and fuse 
Kinstones with the Forest Minish.  Head to the top of the Eastern Hills and 
climb the beanstalk to find 200 RUPEES, 200 MYSTERIOUS SHELLS and a PIECE OF 
HEART.  Your next destination is Mt. Crenel.  Head down to the bottom of Mt. 
Crenel from the Wind Crest and go left, then climb to the top of the wall.  At 
the top, on the left below the beanstalk is a ladder elading down to a cave, 
use your Mole Mitts to open it up.  There is a PIECE OF HEART on the upper 
left side and a Mysterious Wall you can fuse with on the upper right.  

Use the Ocarina of Wind once again and warp over to Lake Hylia.  Enter the 
small Minish house just above where you warp and fuse Kinstones with this guy.  
Warp to Hyrule Town and equip the Roc's Cape.  Head down a bit and jump-strike 
the big bell, a PIECE OF HEART falls out of it.  Enter the carpenter's house 
and shrink yourself down, go through Dr. Left's an up past those dogs and cats 
again to reach the fountain cave.  Jump or swim across to the left and grab 
the PIECE OF HEART there.  Now it's time to infuse your sword with the power 
of the Four Sword.  Head back to the castle and enter the Elemental Shrine, 
place your sword in the alter to transform it into the FOUR SWORD.  Head up to 
the next room and watch the scene here.  Now go back to the bottom where 
you'll find some petrified people.  Charge your spin attack and fire the magic 
beam at them, it turns them back.  Once all three are saved then head down.

      (, /    )
        /    /
      _/___ /_
+-- (_/___ /   ARK HYRULE CASTLE ----------------------------------- 01.22 --+
Leave the room and head left and then up.  There are a number of spinning 
flames in this room, you need to move slowly and time your movements to reach 
the upper left corner.  There a cracked wall in the next room on the right 
side, blast it open.  Shrink yourself down to Minish size and return to the 
room with the spinning fireballs.  Drop down the enormous pit in the centre.  
In the next room up you'll find a small Minish sized hole, head through it and 
return to normal size.  Step on the button in the corner here.  Enter the cell 
beside you and fire an energy burst at the king's statue to revive him, speak 
to him to get a SMALL KEY.  Head back left and then up to the stairs.

Make your way down and use the glowing panels to create clones and push the 
block down.  Continue down to find two locked doors, open the one at the 
bottom.  Follow the hall to the end where you'll find a large chest with a 
DUNGEON MAP inside of it.  Take the stairs up you just passed to reach the 
next floor.  Head down to get outside of the castle, here's an optional aside.

       /(,  )
      /    /
     /    /
+-- (___ / PTIONAL ASIDE ------------------------------------------- 01.23 --+

Return to Hyrule Town and fuse Kinstones with the teacher in the school beside 
the desk.  Shrink with the urn here and leave through the lower right door.  
Enter the little Minish path with the flowers.  At the top split yourself into 
four and push the block up.  Grab the three chests each containing KINSTONE 
PIECE [RED] and then get the PIECE OF HEART.  Now warp to the Minish Woods 
with the Ocarina of Wind.  In the town, head to the upper right corner and 
cross the bidge to where the Piece of Heart was before.  Jump in the water and 
swim across the the Minish's house, fuse Kinstones with him once, then go back 
in and do it a second time.  Leave the village and return to normal size.  Use 
the ocarina to warp yourself to Lake Hylia and drop down the crack as Minish.  
Equip the Roc's Cape and jump across all these obstacles.  Talk to the Minish 
in the house to acquire a full HEART CONTAINER.  Return to normal size once 
again on the other side of the cave and warp to the Castor Wilds.  

If you haven't captured the butterfly here yet this would be a good time to do 
so.  Your destination is the Wind Ruins, if you haven't caught this butterfly 
either he's right at the entrance.  When you reach the second stump past the 
door icon on your map, shrink down and backtrack to the crack in the ground, 
drop down and open the chest to get KINSTONE PIECE [RED].  Make your way to 
the end and open the chest to get another BIG BOMB BAG.  Warp now back to 
Hyrule Town.  Take the west exit and head down to the Western Wood.  There 
should be a tree with a hole in it marked on your map, inside you will find a 
PIECE OF HEART.  Return to Hyrule Town and take the south exit.  Head 
immediatly east to the Eastern Hills where you'll see a chest with an EMPTY 
BOTTLE inside.  Use your ocarina and warp to Veil Falls.  Head south and drop 
off the eldge to your left at the bottom of the wall, the cave here should now 
have a section of ground around it.  Use your Mole Mitts to dig inside and get 
the PIECE OF HEART.  Also at the end of this hall is a chest with 50 
MYSTERIOUS SHELLS.  At this point in the guide, 43/44 Pieces of Heart have 
been covered, hopefully you've been keeping track with the checklist in case 
you missed any.  Just so you know, the final PIECE OF HEART is in that 
building in Hyrule Town, the one at the lower left of the festival area in the 
middle, the one you can't enter.  In order to get in there you have to acquire 
over 130 of the figurines available from the treehouse at the southwest corner 
of Hyrule Town.  If that doesn't work then you need all 136.  Good luck.

Before returning to the Dark Hyrule Castle there is one more thing to do.  
Warp to Hyrule Town and take the east exit.  By now if you've been following 
the guide then the Gorons have broken the wall with four of them.  Head there 
now and get the chest containing 200 RUPEES.  Two more fusions are needed here 
before it's finally finished.  One fusion is located just south of Lon Lon 
Ranch in the Eastern Hills.  At the upper left corner is the house and those 
two people farming below.  Enter the cave beside them with your Mole Mitts and 
dig to the upper right corner where you'll find the Mysterious Wall to fuse 
Kinstones with.  The second fusion can be found in the Trilby Highlands, warp 
to Hyrule Town and head there now.  Take the west exit out of town and open 
the chest for a KINSTONE PIECE [RED].  At the upper left corner there is a 
cave to dig into, dig to the top to find the Mysterious Wall and fuse 
Kinstones with it.  That's all six Gorons taken care of.  Return to the Goron 
Cave and go up to the top where you'll find an EMPTY BOTTLE in the large 
chest.  Fuse Kinstones with the Goron on the far left to make a guy appear in 
Hyrule Town.  Fuse Kinstones with the Goron on the far right to make the 
Biggoron appear.  What you have to do is go and beat the game, and then after 
the game is finished, save and bring you shield to the Biggoron on top of Veil 
Falls.  Leave it with him and come back to have him transform it into the 
ultimate shield, the MIRROR SHIELD.  Again like I said, you cannot do this 
until after you beat the game.  Return now to Dark Hyrule Castle entrance.

      (, /    )
        /    /
      _/___ /_
+-- (_/___ /   ARK HYRULE CASTLE ----------------------------------- 01.24 --+

Head north into the next hall and then make a left.  Follow the path until you 
reach four glowing panels, step on them and charge your sword to make three 
clones.  Wait for the pillars at the top to fire and swing your sword to 
deflect the objects and lower the gate.  Head up into the next room, defeat 
the hands, and continue right.  In this room what you have to do is step on 
all the tiles exactly once, it's quite easy.  From the bottom go all the way 
right, up one, all the way left, up one, all the way right, up one, all the 
way left, up two, right, down, right, up, right, down, right and the door will 
open for you.  Follow the hall until you reach four glowing panels.

Split yourself into four and then navigate downward, avoiding the object and 
the walls to reach the four buttons at the bottom.  Open the treasure chest to 
get a SMALL KEY.  Drop down and run back to the castle entrance, the door on 
the right is locked, use your key there.  Make your way up the hall until you 
reach quite a few glowing panels and four skeletons.  Note the panels 
vertically on the left side, charge and step on the top one, then the second 
from the bottom.  Next, on the right side, step on the second from the top and 
very bottom.  Now charge your sword again and head up the hall.  When the 
cannons fire you should be aligned to use the spin attack and knock the 
projectiles back at them, this lowers the gate.  Head up into the next room, 
charge your sword immediately and begin tapping the attack button to do the 
ultimate spin attack.  If you haven't learned it, then kill them some other 
way.  Place a bomb on the lower left wall to blast an opening.  Head through 
it and go up in the next room, you'll find a staircase to ascend here.

In the room above you, you have to fight another of those knight enemies, with 
the ultimate spin attack you'll find they are extremely easy to defeat.  Once 
you have destroyed the enemy, head right and open the large chest to acquire 
the COMPASS.  In the previous room, you can move the chair by pusihing it.  Do 
so to find a staircase.  Equip the Flame Lantern then follow the hall to 
another set of stairs, through the door on the right, and up another set of 
stairs after that.  Proceed through the door leading south and use the 
whirlwinds to get you to the lower left platform.  In the next room, time it 
so that when you create your clones, you'll be able to move quickly past the 
spinning fireballs and down the the bottom where you can avoid it on the next 
pass.  After that stand in front of the large block and push it downward.  Go 
through the door on your right.  Use the whirlwinds to make your way down 
toward the bottom.  Ignore the door and continue left.  Equip the Boomerang 
and fire it at the button across the gap to extend the bridge.  Head through 
the door and charge your sword.  Step on the bottom far left and far right 
panels, then the top second from left and second from right ones.  Run up and 
swing your sword to open the door leading north into the next room.

Charge your ultimate spinning attack, once they throw their chain balls it 
should make short work of the,.  Destorying the two enemies will make a red 
portal appear on the ground.  Head through the west door then up.  What you 
have to do in this room is throw a bomb which is just about to explode at the 
blocks with cracks in them.  if you have Remote Bombs you have to place them 
on the blocks themselves, perhaps really quickly and blow them up in your 
face.  Another option is to use the enemies, hit them and stop them and then 
pick them up, since they are on timers.  Either way you also have to equip the 
Roc's Cape and jump up through the gate.  Use your Boomerang or Bow or 
something to hit the buttons and open the door, then go down and head through 
it.  Make a right and go up through the north door.  Defeat the enemy in here 
to not only open the door, but spawn a number of other knights throughout the 
castle as well.  No matter.  Head down and make a right, destory the two 
knights in here and then go up.  Equip your Flame Lantern and ignite all the 
torches to open the door, then kill all the ghosts in the next room.  Keep 
going until you reach a chest with a SMALL KEY in it.  Return to where you 
fought the knight and head down,  Quip the Roc's Cape and jump up through the 
gate, follow the walkway down into the room with another knight.

After this one is defeated, then head south,  Use either of the squares here 
and step on all four corners of a single square.  Carefully make your way down 
between the fire and stand in a posiiton so that when you do the sword swing, 
all button are hit.  No go through the door on your right, step on the button 
and ascend the stairs for a SMALL KEY in a chest.  Return to the room where 
you most recently fought the knight and make your way west.  After defeating 
the two knights take the south door to reach another of those blue floor panel 
puzzles.  Here's what to do.  Down as far as you can, right once, up once, 
right twice, down once, right as far as you can, up once, left once, up once, 
left as far as you can, up once, left once, up once, right twice, down once, 
right twice, up once, right once, down twice, right.  This should take you 
successfully to the end.  Defeat the ghosts and exit.  Make a left and enter 
the door on the tower, climb up the stairs and open the chest for a SMALL KEY.  

Return to where you fought the most recent dark knight and head north to the 
next battle.  Now continue north through the large door and defeat all the 
enemies in here.  Be sure to eliminate the two hands as well which drop, use 
your Spin Attack for them.  Equip your Bow and fire arrows at all the eyeballs 
at the top of the room.  Head left and push the middleblock left, then the 
lower block down.  Drop down the hole now.  Ascend both sets of stairs and 
open the chest for a SMALL KEY.  Return to the previous floor, push the middle 
block right and the lower block down.  Return to where you fought the knight 
then head right and up.  Use all four of your keys on the locked blocks here, 
then create three clones and push the giant block left to get the BIG KEY from 
the chest.  From here go down, down, left, down, down, right, up.  The large 
door should be right in front of you.  It seems you are almost too late.  

Defeat the enemy here quickly and continue up,  Use the glowing panels to 
clone yourself, the charge your sword and spin attack your way up toward the 
top where you'll find four buttons to step on.  In the next room you have to 
fight three dark knights, it will be very difficult if you don't have the 
ultimate spin attack, not so difficult if you do. Head through the door above.

You are dropped down below to face off against Vaati who has grown somewhat.  
What happens is some special pods float around Vaati and act as his 
protection, once these pods have been destroyed the eye opens up and you can 
strike it.  Vaati's pods are dangerous however, they can fire laser beams down 
at you while he moves and Vaati himself is capable is throwing numerous flames 
in your direction.  your goal should be to use the ultimate spin attack to 
eliminate as many of them as quickly as possibly and then strike the eye below 
the boss.  After awhile the pods will change and become shielded.  Removing 
the shield is quite easy, simply equip the gust jar and suck that shielding 
off them, after the battle works the same way it did at the start.

This next boss is interesting, it's just an eyeball floating around, but a 
dangerous one at that.  Your weapon of choice here, besides the sword, is 
actually the Bow.  Notice there are eight balls surrounding him, well each 
round four of those in a row are real and four are fake.  You can tell which 
are real by firing an arrow at them, if they open they're real.  Open four in 
a row and then charge your sword.  Create three clones aligned with the four 
eyes and strike them all at once.  At this point the boss drops and you can 
attack him all your want.  It takes about five of these to kill him.  The boss 
has a couple of attacks, the first fires weird black objects at you which 
remain as ground traps afterward.  These traps can be destory to net you more 
arrows and hearts.  The boss also shakes the ground and drops blocks from 
above.  Finall he has the ability to fire electricity projectiles at you.  Be 
careful of all these attacks and keep the Bow handy for each round.  After the 
boss is defeated climb the stairs and let loose a spin attack on Princess 
Zelda.  It should bring her back to life and in your debt... but...

After reaching the Elemental Sanctuary it's time to face off against the ture 
final boss.  What happens is the boss bgeins to move around and attack, but 
eventually it will plunge one of its hands under the ground.  When it comes up 
that's your cue to equip the Cane of Pacci and fire it at the vertical arm.  
Once it stops moving immediately jump onto the platform and shrink yourself 
down to Minish size.  Enter the arm and charge a spin attack.  SPin around 
like crazy in the direction of the eye with the red pupil, your goal is to 
destory it.  Back outside it's time to do the exact same thing again, except 
this time after entering the arm equip your Flame Lantern so you cna see a 
little bit.  Defeat the eye with the pupil.  Now when you get back outside 
note the four eyes on the boss are open.  His new main attack is a wave of 
electric balls whicy you can dodge pretty easily.  Following this the eyes 
shoot four projectiles downward.  To defeat the boss you need to split into 
four and align yourself, so that when the four projectiles are coming down, 
you can swing your four swords and knock them back up into the eye.  Doing 
this makes the boss vulnerable and you can go up to attack with your sword.  
What I like to do is create the three clones then charge the sword again.  
When the boss fires the four projectiles, use the spin attack to knock them 
back and keep tapping the attack button to keep spinning and move up to the 
boss for serious damage.  Doing this it should only take a couple rounds.

Congratulations of finishing the game, all that remains now is the ending.

  || 02.00 ||                     Fusion List                    || 02.00 ||

       ____  ___)
      (, /   /
     ) /   /  
+-- (_/   (__ YRULE TOWN ------------------------------------------- 02.01 --+

|     | Kinstone: Blue        | Person: Hurdy-Gurdy Man                      |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Return to Hyrule Town after Deepwood Shrine             |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: South Hyrule Field                               |
|     | Kinstone: Red         | Person: Hagen                                |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Speak to mayor after completing Deepwood Shrine         |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Lon Lon Ranch                                    |
|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: Brocco                               |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: In festival area, guy swining arm, veggie salesman      |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Find: Minish Woods                                                   |
|     | Kinstone: Red         | Person: Keeley                               |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: She's standing beside the well with someone else        |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Hyrule Castle Garden                             |
|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: Klaus                                |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: In front of house at upper left side of town            |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Find: Lon Lon Ranch                                                  |
|     | Kinstone: Blue        | Person: Rolf                                 |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: The dog in the house to the right of shop (Minish size) |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: North Hyrule Field                               |
|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: June                                 |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: In front of yellow house, bottom of Hyrule Town         |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Find: Minish Woods                                                   |
|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: Chicken Girl                         |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Girl in front of chicken coop at lower right            |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Hyrule Town                                      |
|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: Mama                                 |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: She's inside the cafe at the counter                    |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Find: Lake Hylia                                                     |
|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: Chai                                 |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Lady on right side of mama's cafe                       |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Minish Woods                                     |
|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: Hurdy-Gurdy Man                      |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Located on the left side of mama's cafe                 |
|     +-----------------------------+----------------------------------------+
|     | Find: Minish Woods          | Reward: 200 Rupees                     |
|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: Malon                                |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Standing beside her cart at the top of town             |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Minish Woods                                     |
|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: Sturgeon                             |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Located upstairs in the library                         |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Find: South Hyrule Field                                             |
|     | Kinstone: Red         | Person: Stranger                             |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Located in house below the post office                  |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: South Hyrule Field                               |
|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: Mutoh                                |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Inside carpenter house on left side                     |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Hyrule Castle Garden                             |
|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: Doyle                                |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Inside carpenter house on left side                     |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Minish Woods                                     |
|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: Mack                                 |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Inside carpenter house on left side                     |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: North Hyrule Field                               |
|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: Town Minish                          |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Inside carpenter house on left side                     |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: South Hyrule Field                               |
|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: Growler                              |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Just above carpenter house on left side                 |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Hyrule Castle Garden                             |
|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: Bindle                               |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Inn on the right side of town                           |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Minish Woods                                     |
|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: Satchel                              |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Inn on the right side of town                           |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Eastern Hills                                    |
|     | Kinstone: Red         | Person: Farore                               |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Inn on the right side of town                           |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Hyrule Town                                      |
|     | Kinstone: Blue        | Person: Postman                              |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Running around the town randomly                        |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Hyrule Town                                      |
|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: Lolly                                |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: In front of the games house                             |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Lon Lon Ranch                                    |
|     | Kinstone: Blue        | Person: Candy                                |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: In front of the games house                             |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Trilby Highlands                                 |
|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: Town Minish                          |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: In Minish house above Dr. Left's house, on west side    |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Castor Wilds                                     |
|     | Kinstone: Red         | Person: Bremor                               |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Stand at the top left corner of town                    |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Hyrule Town                                      |
|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: Town Minish                          |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: In new house with red roof on far left side             |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward:                                                  |
|     | Kinstone: Red         | Person: Nayru                                |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Blue haired girl in Hyrule Town                         |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Royal Valley                                     |
|     | Kinstone: Red         | Person: Farore                               |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Green haired girl in Hyrule Town                        |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Castor Wilds                                     |
|     | Kinstone: Red         | Person: Din                                  |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Red haired girl in Hyrule Town                          |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Wind Ruins                                       |
|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: Tina                                 |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Teacher in the school                                   |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Trilby Highlands                                 |

      (__/  ) 
     ) /      
+-- (_/ OUTH HYRULE FIELD ------------------------------------------ 02.02 --+

|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: Tingle                               |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: On the far right side, need Cane of Pacci               |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: North Hyrule Field                               |
|     | Kinstone: Red         | Person: Forest Minish                        |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Small house in lower left corner                        |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Minish Woods (Syrup's hut)                       |
|     | Kinstone: Red         | Person: Smith                                |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Your grandfather in your house                          |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Eastern Hills                                    |

   (, /      
+-- (_____ ON LON RANCH -------------------------------------------- 02.03 --+

|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: Ankle                                |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Behind the ranch, through the cave and up ladder        |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: North Hyrule Field                               |
|     | Kinstone: Blue        | Person: Goron                                |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Inside the cave after sending six Gorons                |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Hyrule Town                                      |
|     | Kinstone: Red         | Person: Goron                                |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Inside the cave after sending six Gorons                |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Veil Falls                                       |

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       / | / |
+-- (_/  |/  |_ INISH WOODS ---------------------------------------- 02.04 --+

|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: Forest Minish                        |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Inside house on far left side                           |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Somewhere                                        |
|     | Kinstone: Red         | Person: Gentari                              |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: The elder of Minish Village                             |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Minish Woods                                     |
|     | Kinstone: Red         | Person: Belari                               |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Guy in Minish House left of the village                 |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Wind Ruins                                       |
|     | Kinstone: Red         | Person: Forest Minish                        |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Take the bridge at the upper right corner of town       |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Veil Falls                                       |
|     | Kinstone: Red         | Person: Forest Minish                        |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Take the bridge at the upper right corner of town       |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Lake Hylia                                       |

      (, /
     ) /
+-- (_/ RILBY HIGHLANDS -------------------------------------------- 02.05 --+

|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: Forest Minish                        |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Through the cave at upper left corner, in small house   |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Trilby Highlands                                 |
|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: Knuckle                              |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Through the cave at upper left corner                   |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: North Hyrule Field                               |
|     | Kinstone: Blue        | Person: Mysterious Wall                      |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Cave at upper left corner                               |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Lon Lon Ranch                                    |

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    |/ |/
+-- /  | ESTERN WOOD ----------------------------------------------- 02.06 --+

|     | Kinstone: Blue        | Person: Forest Minish                        |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Small Minish house at southwest corner                  |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Western Wood                                     |

+-- (_____) ASTERN HILLS ------------------------------------------- 02.07 --+

|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: Meenie                               |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Digging in the upper left area                          |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Mt. Crenel                                       |
|     | Kinstone: Blue        | Person: Eenie                                |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Digging in the upper left area                          |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Lon Lon Ranch                                    |
|     | Kinstone: Blue        | Person: Forest Minish                        |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Minish in house at lower right corner                   |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Eastern Hills                                    |
|     | Kinstone: Blue        | Person: Mysterious Wall                      |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Inside cave at northwest corner below house             |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Lon Lon Ranch                                    |

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        / | /
     ) /  |/
+-- (_/   ' ORTH HYRULE FIELD -------------------------------------- 02.08 --+

|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: Forest Minish                        |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Down the crack on right side North Hyrule Field         |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Wind Ruins                                       |

       ____  ___)
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     ) /   /  
+-- (_/   (__ YRULE CASTLE GARDEN ---------------------------------- 02.09 --+

|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: Forest Minish                        |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Upper right corner, down the crack                      |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Western Wood                                     |

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       / | / |
+-- (_/  |/  |_ T. CRENEL ------------------------------------------ 02.10 --+

|     | Kinstone: Red         | Person: Grayblade                            |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Inside his dojo, up the wall on far right side          |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Castor Wilds                                     |

      __     __)
     (, /|  /|
       / | / |
+-- (_/  |/  |_ ELARI'S MINES -------------------------------------- 02.11 --+

|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: Mountain Minish                      |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Just inside back entrance of the mines                  |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Minish Woods                                     |
|     | Kinstone: Red         | Person: Melari                               |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Directly down from back entrance, inside room           |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Mt. Crenel                                       |
|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: Mountain Minish                      |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Beside Melari's room                                    |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Mt. Crenel                                       |
|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: Mountain Minish                      |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Standing outside one of the doors                       |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Mt. Crenel                                       |
|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: Mountain Minish                      |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Hammering on one of the walls                           |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Mt. Crenel's Base                                |

     )   ___     
+-- (______) ASTOR WILDS ------------------------------------------- 02.12 --+

|     | Kinstone: Gold        | Person: Mysterious Statue                    |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Located at the end of Castor Wilds                      |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Castor Wilds                                     |
|     | Kinstone: Gold        | Person: Mysterious Statue                    |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Located at the end of Castor Wilds                      |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Castor Wilds                                     |
|     | Kinstone: Gold        | Person: Mysterious Statue                    |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Located at the end of Castor Wilds                      |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Castor Wilds                                     |

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    | /| /
    |/ |/
+-- /  | ESTERN WOOD ----------------------------------------------- 02.13 --+

|     | Kinstone: Red         | Person: Forest Minish                        |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Down a crack in the ground in Wind Ruins                |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Wind Ruins                                       |

   (, /      
+-- (_____ AKE HYLIA ----------------------------------------------- 02.14 --+

|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: Fifi                                 |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: The dog in the house at the north end                   |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Lake Hylia                                       |
|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: David Jr.                            |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Just right and down from the shopkeeper's house         |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: North Hyrule Field                               |
|     | Kinstone: Blue        | Person: Forest Minish                        |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Down the crack on right side, up vine, Minish sized     |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Lake Hylia                                       |
|     | Kinstone: Blue        | Person: Mysterious Wall                      |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Inside the cave which connect Minish Woods to Hylia     |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Lon Lon Ranch                                    |
|     | Kinstone: Blue        | Person: Mysterious Wall                      |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Inside cave at the top, need Roc's Cape                 |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Lon Lon Ranch                                    |

      (, /   )
        /__ /
     ) /   \_
+-- (_/       OYAL VALLEY ------------------------------------------- 2.15 --+

|     | Kinstone: Blue        | Person: Spookter                             |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Ghost sitting around in the graveyard                   |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Hyrule Town                                      |
|     | Kinstone: Blue        | Person: Spookter                             |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Ghost sitting around in the graveyard                   |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Hyrule Town                                      |
|     | Kinstone: Blue        | Person: Dampe                                |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Inside his house in the graveyard                       |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Royal Valley                                     |
|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: Dampe                                |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Inside his house in the graveyard                       |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Wind Ruins                                       |
|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: Gina                                 |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: The ghost in cave below tomb in graveyard               |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Hyrule Town                                      |
|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: Gina                                 |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: The ghost in cave below tomb in graveyard               |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Western Wood                                     |

     __    __)
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       | /
+----- | EIL FALLS ------------------------------------------------- 02.16 --+

|     | Kinstone: Gold        | Person: Source of the Flow                   |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Door in Veil Falls, must have been to Royal Crypt       |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Veil Falls                                       |

     )   ___     
+-- (______) LOUD TOPS --------------------------------------------- 02.17 --+

|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: Hailey                               |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Guy standing right at the very entrance                 |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Veil Falls                                       |
|     | Kinstone: Red         | Person: Gale                                 |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Person standing to the right of the entrance            |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Veil Falls                                       |
|     | Kinstone: Gold        | Person: Mysterious Cloud                     |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Down one of the many holes                              |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Activates a pinwheel                             |
|     | Kinstone: Gold        | Person: Mysterious Cloud                     |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Down one of the many holes                              |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Activates a pinwheel                             |
|     | Kinstone: Gold        | Person: Mysterious Cloud                     |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Down one of the many holes                              |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Activates a pinwheel                             |
|     | Kinstone: Gold        | Person: Mysterious Cloud                     |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Down one of the many holes                              |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Activates a pinwheel                             |
|     | Kinstone: Gold        | Person: Mysterious Cloud                     |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Down one of the many holes                              |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Activates a pinwheel                             |
|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: Caprice                              |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Lady on second floor of building in the sky             |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Veil Falls                                       |
|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: Flurris                              |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Fat thing on third floor of building                    |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Castor Wilds                                     |
|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: Siroc                                |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: He's the elder on the top floor                         |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Royal Valley                                     |
|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: Siroc                                |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: He's the elder on the top floor                         |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Royal Valley                                     |
|     | Kinstone: Green       | Person: Flurris                              |
|  _  +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
| |_| | Description: Fat thing on third floor of building                    |
|     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Location of Reward: Western Wood                                     |

  || 03.00 ||                   Game Checklists                  || 03.00 ||

| PROLOGUE                                                             03.01 |
|                                                                         _  |
| Smith's Sword..........................................................|_| |
| 20 Rupees..............................................................|_| |
| Small Shield...........................................................|_| |
| Broken Picori Blade....................................................|_| |
| Map of Hyrule..........................................................|_| |
| Piece of Heart.........................................................|_| |
| Piece of Heart.........................................................|_| |
| Jabber Nut.............................................................|_| |
|                                                                            |
| DEEPWOOD SHRINE                                                      03.02 |
|                                                                         _  |
| Small Key..............................................................|_| |
| Dungeon Map............................................................|_| |
| Small Key..............................................................|_| |
| Small Key..............................................................|_| |
| Gust Jar...............................................................|_| |
| Piece of Heart.........................................................|_| |
| 10 Mysterious Shells...................................................|_| |
| 10 Mysterious Shells...................................................|_| |
| 20 Mysterious Shells...................................................|_| |
| 20 Mysterious Shells...................................................|_| |
| Compass................................................................|_| |
| Small Key..............................................................|_| |
| Big Key................................................................|_| |
| 20 Rupees..............................................................|_| |
| Earth Element..........................................................|_| |
| Heart Container........................................................|_| |
|                                                                            |
| BACK TO HYRULE TOWN                                                  03.03 |
|                                                                         _  |
| Bomb Bag...............................................................|_| |
| 20 Mysterious Shells...................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Bag...........................................................|_| |
| Piece of Heart.........................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Blue]..................................................|_| |
| Tiger Scroll...........................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| Empty Bottle...........................................................|_| |
|                                                                            |
| MT. CRENEL                                                           03.04 |
|                                                                         _  |
| Piece of Heart.........................................................|_| |
| 50 Rupees..............................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Blue]..................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Blue]..................................................|_| |
| Piece of Heart.........................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Blue]..................................................|_| |
| Grip Ring..............................................................|_| |
| Big Bomb Bag...........................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Blue]..................................................|_| |
|                                                                            |
| CAVERN OF FLAMES                                                     03.05 |
|                                                                         _  |
| Compass................................................................|_| |
| Dungeon Map............................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Blue]..................................................|_| |
| 50 Rupees..............................................................|_| |
| Piece of Heart.........................................................|_| |
| Cane of Pacci..........................................................|_| |
| Small Key..............................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Blue]..................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Green].................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Green].................................................|_| |
| 100 Rupees.............................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Green].................................................|_| |
| Big Key................................................................|_| |
| Fire Element...........................................................|_| |
| Heart Container........................................................|_| |
|                                                                            |
| ELEMENTAL SANCTUARY                                                  03.06 |
|                                                                         _  |
| White Sword............................................................|_| |
| Piece of Heart.........................................................|_| |
|                                                                            |
| OPTIONAL STUFF                                                       03.07 |
|                                                                         _  |
| Tiger Scroll...........................................................|_| |
| 10 Mysterious Shells...................................................|_| |
| Big Wallet.............................................................|_| |
| 200 Rupees.............................................................|_| |
| Piece of Heart.........................................................|_| |
| Tiger Scroll...........................................................|_| |
| Piece of Heart.........................................................|_| |
| 50 Rupees..............................................................|_| |
| 50 Rupees..............................................................|_| |
|                                                                            |
| CASTOR WILDS                                                         03.08 |
|                                                                         _  |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| Lon Lon Ranch Key......................................................|_| |
| Big Wallet.............................................................|_| |
| 50 Rupees..............................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| Piece of Heart.........................................................|_| |
| Pegasus Boots..........................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Gold]..................................................|_| |
| Bow....................................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Gold]..................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Blue]..................................................|_| |
| Piece of Heart.........................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Gold]..................................................|_| |
|                                                                            |
| WIND RUINS                                                           03.09 |
|                                                                         _  |
| Kinstone Piece [Blue]..................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| Piece of Heart.........................................................|_| |
| 100 Rupees.............................................................|_| |
| 50 Mysterious Shells...................................................|_| |
|                                                                            |
| FORTRESS OF WINDS                                                    03.10 |
|                                                                         _  |
| Kinstone Piece [Blue]..................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Blue]..................................................|_| |
| Piece of Heart.........................................................|_| |
| Small Key..............................................................|_| |
| Compass................................................................|_| |
| Small Key..............................................................|_| |
| Dungeon Map............................................................|_| |
| Small Key..............................................................|_| |
| Mole Mitts.............................................................|_| |
| 100 Rupees.............................................................|_| |
| Small Key..............................................................|_| |
| Big Key................................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Blue]..................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Blue]..................................................|_| |
| 80 Mysterious Shells...................................................|_| |
| Heart Container........................................................|_| |
| Ocarina of Wind........................................................|_| |
|                                                                            |
| MANY OPTIONAL FUSIONS                                                03.11 |
|                                                                            |
| N/A....................................................................... |
|                                                                            |
| THE LIBRARY                                                          03.12 |
|                                                                         _  |
| A Hyrulean Bestiary....................................................|_| |
| Power Bracelets........................................................|_| |
| Legend of the Picori...................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Blue]..................................................|_| |
| A History of Masks.....................................................|_| |
| 50 Rupees..............................................................|_| |
| Flippers...............................................................|_| |
|                                                                            |
| OPTIONAL EXPLORATION ADVENTURE!                                      03.13 |
|                                                                         _  |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| Piece of Heart.........................................................|_| |
| 100 Rupees.............................................................|_| |
| Piece of Heart.........................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| 100 Rupees.............................................................|_| |
| Piece of Heart.........................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Green].................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Green].................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Green].................................................|_| |
| 100 Mysterious Shells..................................................|_| |
| 200 Mysterious Shells..................................................|_| |
| Piece of Heart.........................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| Piece of Heart.........................................................|_| |
| 200 Rupees.............................................................|_| |
| 50 Rupees..............................................................|_| |
| 50 Mysterious Shells...................................................|_| |
| 50 Rupees..............................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Blue]..................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Blue]..................................................|_| |
| 200 Rupees.............................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Blue]..................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Blue]..................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| Piece of Heart.........................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Blue]..................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Blue]..................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| 50 Mysterious Shells...................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Blue]..................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| Piece of Heart.........................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Blue]..................................................|_| |
| Piece of Heart.........................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Blue]..................................................|_| |
| Piece of Heart.........................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Blue]..................................................|_| |
| Empty Bottle...........................................................|_| |
| Piece of Heart.........................................................|_| |
| 50 Rupees..............................................................|_| |
| Piece of Heart.........................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Blue]..................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Blue]..................................................|_| |
| Tiger Scroll...........................................................|_| |
| Piece of Heart.........................................................|_| |
| 200 Rupees.............................................................|_| |
| 100 Mysterious Shells..................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| 200 Mysterious Shells..................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| Magical Boomerang......................................................|_| |
| Piece of Heart.........................................................|_| |
| Piece of Heart.........................................................|_| |
| 200 Mysterious Shells..................................................|_| |
| Large Quiver...........................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Blue]..................................................|_| |
|                                                                            |
| TEMPLE OF DROPLETS                                                   03.14 |
|                                                                         _  |
| Small Key..............................................................|_| |
| Big Key................................................................|_| |
| Dungeon Map............................................................|_| |
| Small Key..............................................................|_| |
| Compass................................................................|_| |
| 50 Rupees..............................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Blue]..................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Blue]..................................................|_| |
| Small Key..............................................................|_| |
| Flame Lantern..........................................................|_| |
| 100 Rupees.............................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| Small Key..............................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| Water Element..........................................................|_| |
| Heart Container........................................................|_| |
|                                                                            |
| ELEMENTAL SANCTUARY                                                  03.15 |
|                                                                         _  |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| 100 Mysterious Shells..................................................|_| |
| Tiger Scroll...........................................................|_| |
| 200 Mysterious Shells..................................................|_| |
|                                                                            |
| ROYAL VALLEY                                                         03.16 |
|                                                                         _  |
| Large Quiver...........................................................|_| |
| Graveyard Key..........................................................|_| |
| Piece of Heart.........................................................|_| |
|                                                                            |
| ROYAL CRYPT                                                          03.17 |
|                                                                         _  |
| Small Key..............................................................|_| |
| Small Key..............................................................|_| |
| Small Key..............................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Gold]..................................................|_| |
|                                                                            |
| VEIL FALLS                                                           03.18 |
|                                                                         _  |
| Piece of Heart.........................................................|_| |
| 50 Mysterious Shells...................................................|_| |
| 100 Mysterious Shells..................................................|_| |
| 50 Mysterious Shells...................................................|_| |
| 100 Rupees.............................................................|_| |
|                                                                            |
| CLOUD TOPS                                                           03.19 |
|                                                                         _  |
| Kinstone Piece [Gold]..................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Gold]..................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Gold]..................................................|_| |
| 50 Mysterious Shells...................................................|_| |
| 50 Mysterious Shells...................................................|_| |
| 50 Mysterious Shells...................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Gold]..................................................|_| |
| 50 Mysterious Shells...................................................|_| |
| Light Arrow............................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Blue]..................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Blue]..................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
|                                                                            |
| PALACE OF WINDS                                                      03.20 |
|                                                                         _  |
| Roc's Cape.............................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| Small Key..............................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Blue]..................................................|_| |
| Small Key..............................................................|_| |
| Small Key..............................................................|_| |
| Big Key................................................................|_| |
| Compass................................................................|_| |
| Small Key..............................................................|_| |
| Small Key..............................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| Dungeon Map............................................................|_| |
| Piece of Heart.........................................................|_| |
| 200 Rupees.............................................................|_| |
| Small Key..............................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Blue]..................................................|_| |
| Wind Element...........................................................|_| |
| Heart Container........................................................|_| |
|                                                                            |
| ELEMENTAL SANCTUARY                                                  03.21 |
|                                                                         _  |
| Tiger Scroll...........................................................|_| |
| Tiger Scroll...........................................................|_| |
| Piece of Heart.........................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Blue]..................................................|_| |
| 50 Mysterious Shells...................................................|_| |
| Piece of Heart.........................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Blue]..................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| 50 Mysterious Shells...................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| 200 Rupees.............................................................|_| |
| 200 Mysterious Shells..................................................|_| |
| Piece of Heart.........................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Blue]..................................................|_| |
| Piece of Heart.........................................................|_| |
| 200 Mysterious Shells..................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| 100 Mysterious Shells..................................................|_| |
| Remote Bombs...........................................................|_| |
| 200 Mysterious Shells..................................................|_| |
| 200 Rupees.............................................................|_| |
| 200 Mysterious Shells..................................................|_| |
| Piece of Heart.........................................................|_| |
| Piece of Heart.........................................................|_| |
| Piece of Heart.........................................................|_| |
| Four Sword.............................................................|_| |
|                                                                            |
| DARK HYRULE CASTLE                                                   03.22 |
|                                                                         _  |
| Small Key..............................................................|_| |
| Dungeon Map............................................................|_| |
|                                                                            |
| OPTIONAL ASIDE                                                       03.23 |
|                                                                         _  |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| Piece of Heart.........................................................|_| |
| Heart Container........................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| Big Bomb Bag...........................................................|_| |
| Piece of Heart.........................................................|_| |
| Empty Bottle...........................................................|_| |
| Piece of heart.........................................................|_| |
| 50 Mysterious Shells...................................................|_| |
| Piece of Heart.........................................................|_| |
| 200 Rupees.............................................................|_| |
| Kinstone Piece [Red]...................................................|_| |
| Empty Bottle...........................................................|_| |
|                                                                            |
| DARK HYRULE CASTLE                                                   03.24 |
|                                                                         _  |
| Small Key..............................................................|_| |
| Compass................................................................|_| |
| Small Key..............................................................|_| |
| Small Key..............................................................|_| |
| Small Key..............................................................|_| |
| Small Key..............................................................|_| |
| Big Key................................................................|_| |
|                                                                            |

  || 04.00 ||                      Boss Guide                    || 04.00 ||

| DEEPWOOD SHRINE BOSS                                                04.01  |
|                                                                            |
| The boss is actually just a normal enemy, but unfortunately link is not of |
| normal size!  The boss basically blobs around most of the time, but he     |
| does have one attack, he'll jump into the air and try to land on your so   |
| be ready to roll out of the way at any time with the R button.  Here's how |
| to defeat him, you need to equip the Gust Jar and use it on him, this      |
| sucks away his support (it's not really a leg or anything of the sort) and | 
| makes him wobble and tip.  Stay out of the way at this point so he doesn't |
| fall on you.  When he does fall, run up and begin slashing like crazy with |
| your sword.  After he gets up then simply repeat the process two more      |
| times to defeat the boss.  After the second round os slashing he jumps all |
| over the place constantly for awhile.  I'm not sure if he just stops this  | 
| or whether you have to use the Gust Jar to hold him down.                  |
|                                                                            |

| CAVERN OF FLAMES BOSS                                               04.02  |
|                                                                            |
| This boss is a fire monster located right in the middle of the lava pit.   |
| His primary attack is a fireball he spits out of his head in your          |
| direction.  You can avoid this rathe reasily simply by running.  What you  |
| need to do in order to hurt the boss is have the Cane of Pacci equipped.   |
| Run around and fire it at his body, not his head.  If you make a direct    |
| hit with his body, the shell will flip over and knock him down.  At that   |
| point his neck becomes a bridge to the weak point in the middle where you  |
| can attack with your sword.  Keep slashing until the hits don't register   |
| anymore, at which point you need to turn around and run across before he   |
| drops into the lava.  After every time this happens, after he goes under   |
| some rocks begin to fall from the ceiling, the lava in the middle expands  |
| outward, and once this dies down the boss comes up and fires a huge fire   |
| spray at you.  Run and roll to avoid this.  The interesting (and helpful)  |
| thing about this boss is that each fireball leaves a fire burning on the   |
| ground.  When you slash these things oftentimes they will leave a heart    |
| behind.  This actually makes the boss rather easy knowing you can almost   |
| replenish your health back to full at any time you wish.  Knock him down   |
| and attack with your sword approximately three times in order to win.      |
|                                                                            |

| FORTRESS OF WINDS BOSS                                              04.03  |
|                                                                            |
| This boss may provide an adequate challenge for you.  What you are going   |
| to need equipped here is the Sword and the Bow.  Your goal at the          |
| beginning of the fight is to aim your bow at the eyes on the palms of the  |
| two hands, once hit with an arrow the hands will drop.  While dropped, you |
| can approach the hands and slash them with your sword to really            |
| incapacitate them.  Knock both hands down and slash them at the same time  |
| to make the head drop to the floor.  While the head is on the floor you    |
| can use one of the platforms to shrink down to Minish size and enter the   |
| head.  There you will find six pillars, one of them is glowing, slash it   |
| with your sword to blow it up.  That's one of three.  For the second round |
| it's the exact same thing except once you get into the head, you have to   |
| dig around using your Mole Mitts to find the right one.  For the third     |
| round it's the same thing except the head itself begins to attack, firing  |
| a big blue beam at you periodically.  The hands themselves have a couple   |
| attacks.  The stomping attack is easy to avoid, simply roll when the       |
| shadow is above you head.  If the hand sweeps down in a circular motion    |
| it's trying to grab you, roll up to avoid it.  Lastly one of the hands may |
| stomp and knock down a few spider enemies, simply use your sword to slash  |
| them and kill them.  It shouldn't be too difficult to eliminate this boss. |
|                                                                            |

| TEMPLE OF DROPLETS BOSS                                             04.04  |
|                                                                            |
| Begin the battle by running to either the boss' left or the boss' right.   |
| Your goal is to face it and swing your sword in order to deflect the       |
| projectiles back at him.  If they manage to get loose they bounce around   |
| and leave little mines o nthe ground which you can destory using your      |
| sword.  After three hits with his own large rock, the boss covers          |
| everything in ice and begins to spin around, trying to either suck you in  |
| or freeze your with its breath, basically all you have to keep in mind is  |
| to stay away from its mouth.  Equip the Flame Lantern and then what you    |
| have to do is set his tail on fire simply by running into it with the      |
| lantern on.  Since he keeps spinning with you, what you want to do is      |
| always try moving in the opposite direction the boss is moving, eventually |
| you'll be fast enough to set his tail on fire.  After the first hit the    |
| boss will alternate between trying to suck you in and firing rocks, so you |
| have to be ready at all times to turn around and roll to try and avoid     |
| being sucked in.  Another three rocks and another tail fire and the boss   |
| is almost dead.  After two hits the boss changes quite a bit, he develops  |
| a new attack where he races toward you, hits the wlal and drops boulders   |
| from above.  He also shoots out a dark smoke which blackens the room,      |
| during that time he ONLY does the charge up running attack, you'll need    |
| your lantern on at that point.  Fortunately though, you only have to       |
| deflect three rocks at him to kill him, no need to burn his tail again.    |
|                                                                            |

| PALACE OF WINDS BOSS                                                04.05  |
|                                                                            |
| This boss is rather odd and even somewhat difficult, but knowing what to   |
| do should help you be able to defeat it without too much hassle.  The      |
| battle begins on the large boss, what happens is certain eyes open and     |
| there are four glowing panels for you.  You have to create clones in the   |
| same positions as the eyes and hit all the eyes at once, at that point the |
| boss becomes vulnerable for you to just keep attacking.  Once you've       |
| damaged it enough the blue one will fly by, you have to jump on top of it. |
| The blue one has only one eye, the eye opns for a second and you have to   |
| try and hit it.  After the eye closes the tail swings around, press the    |
| button to jump over the tail.  The easiest way to hit the single eye is to |
| do a charge up attack and let go when the eye opens, so it will hit no     |
| matter where the eye is.  Next you will be back on the larger one, do the  |
| same thing except this time you need to watch out for projectiles coming   |
| from the blue enemy.  After you have hurt the large boss enough, jump back |
| on the blue one.  Now instead of swinging its tail the boss sends a whole  |
| bunch of green things at you which can be defeated with your sword if need |
| be.  Do the same thing, simply hit the eye.  Finally it's time to jump on  |
| the large boss one last time.  Now you'll have to deal with lots of those  |
| green things coming at you.  Don't worry too much, just go on the          |
| offensive and keep that sword swinging, the boss will go down in no time.  |
|                                                                            |

| FINAL BOSS [FIRST FORM]                                             04.06  |
|                                                                            |
| You are dropped down below to face off against Vaati who has grown         |
| somewhat.  What happens is some special pods float around Vaati and act as |
| his protection, once these pods have been destroyed the eye opens up and   |
| you can strike it.  Vaati's pods are dangerous however, they can fire      |
| laser beams down at you while he moves and Vaati himself is capable is     |
| throwing numerous flames in your direction.  your goal should be to use    |
| the ultimate spin attack to eliminate as many of them as quickly as        |
| possibly and then strike the eye below the boss.  After awhile the pods    |
| will change and become shielded.  Removing the shield is quite easy,       |
| simply equip the gust jar and suck that shielding off them, after the      |
| battle works the same way it did at the start, keep killing the pods.      |
|                                                                            |

| FINAL BOSS [SECOND FORM]                                            04.07  |
|                                                                            |
| This next boss is interesting, it's just an eyeball floating around, but   |
| a dangerous one at that.  Your weapon of choice here, besides the sword,   |
| is actually the Bow.  Notice there are eight balls surrounding him, well   |
| each round four of those in a row are real and four are fake.  You can     |
| tell which are real by firing an arrow at them, if they open they're real. |
| Open four in a row and then charge your sword.  Create three clones        |
| aligned with the four eyes and strike them all at once.  At this point the |
| boss drops and you can attack him all your want.  It takes about five of   |
| these to kill him.  The boss has a couple of attacks, the first fires      |
| weird black objects at you which remain as ground traps afterward.  These  |
| traps can be destory to net you more arrows and hearts.  The boss also     |
| shakes the ground and drops blocks from above.  Finall he has the ability  |
| to fire electricity projectiles at you.  Be careful of all these attacks.  |
|                                                                            |

| FINAL BOSS [THIRD FORM]                                             04.08  |
|                                                                            |
| After reaching the Elemental Sanctuary it's time to face off against the   |
| ture final boss.  What happens is the boss bgeins to move around and       |
| attack, but eventually it will plunge one of its hands under the ground.   |
| When it comes up that's your cue to equip the Cane of Pacci and fire it at |
| the vertical arm.  Once it stops moving immediately jump onto the platform |
| and shrink yourself down to Minish size.  Enter the arm and charge a spin  |
| attack.  SPin around like crazy in the direction of the eye with the red   |
| pupil, your goal is to destory it.  Back outside it's time to do the exact |
| same thing again, except this time after entering the arm equip your Flame |
| Lantern so you cna see a little bit.  Defeat the eye with the pupil.  Now  |
| when you get back outside note the four eyes on the boss are open.  His    |
| new main attack is a wave of electric balls whicy you can dodge pretty     |
| easily.  Following this the eyes shoot four projectiles downward.  To      |
| defeat the boss you need to split into four and align yourself, so that    |
| when the four projectiles are coming down, you can swing your four swords  |
| and knock them back up into the eye.  Doing this makes the boss vulnerable |
| and you can go up to attack with your sword.  What I like to do is create  |
| the three clones then charge the sword again.  When the boss fires the     |
| four projectiles, use the spin attack to knock them back and keep tapping  |
| the attack button to keep spinning and move up to the boss for serious     |
| damage.  Doing this it should only take a couple rounds.                   |
|                                                                            |

  || 05.00 ||                      Item List                     || 05.00 ||

 ) A History of Masks    (o) Lake Hylia in Mayor's cabin                  |  |
 ) A Hyrulean Bestiary   (o) Lower right house in Hyrule Town             |  |
 ) Big Bomb Bag          (o) Throw bomb into fountain on Mt. Crenel       |  |
 ) Big Bomb Bag          (o) Purchase in the Hyrule Town shop             |  |
 ) Big Bomb Bag          (o) In a chest in Wind Ruins after fusion        |  |
 ) Big Wallet            (o) Tree in Minish Woods (need Cane of Pacci)    |  |
 ) Boomerang             (o) Purchase in Hyrule Town                      |  |
 ) Bomb Bag              (o) After Deepwood Shrine house left of Elder's  |  |
 ) Bow                   (o) In Castor Wilds, drop down a crack as Minish |  |
 ) Broken Picori Blade   (o) Given by king at start of journey            |  |
 ) Cane of Pacci         (o) In chest in Cavern of Flames                 |  |
 ) Earth Element         (o) Defeat the boss of the Deepwood Shrine       |  |
 ) Empty Bottle          (o) Trilby Highlands, Deku Scrub down the ladder |  |
 ) Empty Bottle          (o) Feed the shopkeeper's dog in Lake Hylia      |  |
 ) Empty Bottle          (o) Fuse Kinstones with your grandfather         |  |
 ) Empty Bottle          (o) Complete the miniquest with the Gorons       |  |
 ) Flame Lantern         (o) Defeat the miniboss in Temple of Droplets    |  |
 ) Four Sword            (o) Collect all four elements and unfuse sword   |  |
 ) Graveyard Key         (o) Dampe's house in the Royal Valley            |  |
 ) Grip Ring             (o) Purchase from Deku Scrub on Mt. Crenel       |  |
 ) Gust Jar              (o) Defeat the miniboss in Deepwood Shrine       |  |
 ) Kinstone Bag          (o) Return to Hyrule town after Deepwood Shrine  |  |
 ) Large Quiver          (o) Purchase in Hyrule Town shop                 |  |
 ) Large Quiver          (o) Top of a beanstalk in the Wind Ruins         |  |
 ) Large Quiver          (o) Fairy fountain in Royal Valley               |  |
 ) Legend of the Picori  (o) In Dr. Left's house in Hyrule Town           |  |
 ) Light Arrow           (o) Save old man from ghost early, gives later   |  |
 ) Lon Lon Ranch Key     (o) Inside Lon Lon Ranch (Minish size needed)    |  |
 ) Magical Boomerang     (o) Fuse Kinstones with four ugly fairy things   |  |
 ) Map of Hyrule         (o) Given by the king at start of journey        |  |
 ) Mirror Shield         (o) From Biggoron after beating the game         |  |
 ) Mole Mitts            (o) Chest in the Fortress of Winds               |  |
 ) Ocarina of Wind       (o) After completing Fortress of Winds           |  |
 ) Pegasus Boots         (o) Use Wake-up Mushroom on shoemaker in Hyrule  |  |
 ) Power Bracelets       (o) Minish Size enter fountain cave Hyrule Town  |  |
 ) Small Shield          (o) Given by Princess Zelda at festival          |  |
 ) Smith's Sword         (o) Given by grandfather at beginning of game    |  |
 ) Wake-up Mushroom      (o) Purchase from Syrup's Hut in Minish Woods    |  |
 ) White Sword           (o) Given by Melari after Cavern of Flames       |  |

  || 06.00 ||                    Technique List                  || 06.00 ||

 ) Spin Attack           (o) Swiftblade in Hyrule Town                    |  |
 ) Rock Breaker          (o) Swiftblade in Hyrule Town (White Sword)      |  |
 ) Roll Attack           (o) Grayblade on Mt. Crenel                      |  |
 ) Dash Attack           (o) Swiftblade in Hyrule Town (Pegasus Boots)    |  |
 ) Peril Beam            (o) Waveblade in Lake Hylia                      |  |
 ) Sword Beam            (o) Grimblade in Castle Garden (Flame Lantern)   |  |
 ) Downward Thrust       (o) Swiftblade in Hyrule Town (Roc's Cape)       |  |
 ) Ultimate Spin Attack  (o) Dojo is Castor Wilds after learning seven    |  |

  || 07.00 ||                   Heart Piece List                 || 07.00 ||

 ) Heart Container       (o) Defeat the boss of the Deepwood Shrine       |  |
 ) Heart Container       (o) Defeat the boss of the Cavern of Flames      |  |
 ) Heart Container       (o) Defeat the boss of the Fortress of Winds     |  |
 ) Heart Container       (o) Defeat the boss of the Temple of Droplets    |  |
 ) Heart Container       (o) Defeat the boss of the Palace of Winds       |  |
 ) Heart Container       (o) Fuse with Minish in M.Woods with Four Sword  |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) Minish Woods, left just after seeing the cap |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) Minish Village, to the right of North house  |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) Go down after miniboss in Deepwood Shrine    |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) Take the blue teleport in Deepwood Shrine    |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) After fusing Kinstones with Hurdy-Gurdy Man  |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) After first whirlwinds on Mt. Crenel Base    |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) Blast wall at start of Mt. Crenel            |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) Blast through wall in Cavern of Flames       |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) Blow up rock just west of castle entrance    |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) Veil Falls lower right corner                |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) Grayblade's dojo on Mt. Crenel               |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) To the left of Syrup's Hut in Minish Woods   |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) Swiftblade's first dojo, Castor Wilds        |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) Minish sized cave in Wind Ruins              |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) Drop down hole as Minish, Fortress of Winds  |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) Win the chicken catching game in Hyrule      |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) Guy in Hyrule Town sends you to battle arena |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) Hyrule Town large building, Minish Size      |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) Minish cave in water in South Hyrule Field   |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) Minish area behind Lon Lon Ranch             |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) Minish Woods lower left, Minish cave on left |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) Minish water cave at southeast Castor Wilds  |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) Top of a beanstalk on Mt. Crenel             |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) Northeast cave in Castor Wilds               |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) Underwater beside house in Lake Hylia        |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) Sitting at south end of Lake Hylia           |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) Inside Waveblade's dojo in Lake Hylia        |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) Upper right side of castle courtyard         |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) Grimblade's dojo in castle courtyard         |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) Royal Valley graveyard, below tombstone      |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) Veil Falls, Flippers required                |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) Inside the Palace of Winds                   |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) Lake Hylia, on platform, Roc's Cape needed   |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) Through cave from Hylia to Lon Lon Ranch     |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) Up the beanstalk in Lake Hylia               |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) Waterfall cave in Veil Falls                 |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) Up beanstalk in Eastern Hills                |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) Upper left Mt. Crenel cave, need Mole Mitts  |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) Jump strike the bell in Hyrule Town          |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) Fountain cave in Hyrule Town, need Flippers  |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) Minish path behind the school, Four Sword    |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) Inside a tree in the Western Wood            |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) Cave in Veil Falls, fusion then Mole Mitts   |  |
 ) Piece of Heart        (o) All figurines, go into locked Hyrule house   |  |

  || LE.AL ||                   Legal & Copyright                || LE.AL ||

This document is copyright (c) 2007 by A I e x.

I am no longer active writing guides for video games, and thus I will no
longer any questions or update with any corrections sent through email.  It
is likely that after this point this guide will never be updated again.  I am
aware that there are errors occasionally and I apologize for those.  Please
do not email me any corrections, or ask me for any help with this particular
game, as I will not respond.

It is also not necessary to send any email to thank me for the work, I will
say right now that you are very welcome.  

Furthermore, please do not contact me about hosting this guide on your website,
I will not grant permisson.  I am still willing to take action if I find this
guide being hosted anywhere other than,, or a very small
number of other select sites.

Finally, if you need to contact me for some reason that is not covered above, 
then you can reach me at StarOceanDC(a.t)gmail(d.o.t)com.  

  || CR.DS ||                   Credits & Thanks                 || CR.DS ||

Thanks to CJayC for continuing to keep GameFAQs running smoothly, and the same 
to Sailor Bacon.  Thanks to Sean, Mark and Jeremy here at the University of 
Guelph, thanks to everyone in the GameFAQs FAQ contributor community for being 
great people, and thanks to everyone who takes the time to send feedback.

Thank you very much finally, to anyone and everyone reading this walkthrough.


Let's Do It

Sorry For All